Revision Aids for SATs Week
There will be many opportunities for you to look over areas of your learning to help you prepare for the daily SATs tests that you are doing.
Revision Aids for:
Click the protractor icon to practise your protractor skills!
Maths Reasoning Paper Sample 1
Maths Paper 1 arithmetic
Maths R
Reasoning Paper 2 Reasoning
Maths Reasoning Paper 3 Reasoning
Another arithmetic paper for you to try!!
Focus below is on Geometry:
Click on any area you would like to revise by completing some past SATs questions.
2d-shapes-questions 2d-shapes-solutions
3d-shapes-and-nets-questions 3d-shapes-and-nets-solutions
angles-and-lines-questions angles-and-lines-solutions
measuring-and-drawing-questions measuring-and-drawing-solutions
reflect-and-translate-questions reflect-and-translate-solutions
symmetry-questions symmetry-solutions
triangles-questions triangles-solutions
Interactive Games – Try these!!
Faces, edges and vertices click here