Reception Week Beginning 7.3.22

It’s been another busy week in Reception Class this week!

The children have been focussing on the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and have been getting their own beans prepared for germination. Have a look at the beans on the Reception windows; we are looking forward to watching the roots and shoots grow soon. Amongst other things, the children have had fun making their own beanstalks from a variety of construction materials. They also acted out the story, hot seated the characters and discussed and wrote about what they would like to see at the top of their beanstalk. The class agreed that a land made of chocolate would be fantastic!

In maths learning, the children have been learning about the composition of 9 and 10 and learning to put numbers in the correct order.

This week, Reception put on their wellington boots and went for a lovely, muddy walk in the adjacent farmland. The children saw red kites flying above them, found bones and worked out that the crop growing at the moment appears to be rape seed. We are looking forward to having a bright yellow field next to us!

Today, the children took part in a fantastic science workshop, where they learnt about how different types of weather is formed. They also had lots of fun exploring bubbles!

As we have now taught all of the Reception sounds, we will no longer be sending home the daily phonics book. This is to be kept at home for you to regularly practise the sounds with your child. Instead, your child will be bringing home a writing book on their reading day. This book is for your child to practise applying their phonic knowledge, through writing in it as often as possible. More information will be given to you on your child’s reading day about this.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team