Reception Week Beginning 6.12.21

What an exciting week Reception have had!

This week has been mainly focussed around preparing for the class Nativity play. The children performed their dress rehearsal to the whole school on Wednesday; this was filmed and will be available to purchase if you wish.

On Thursday, the  children performed to their families and were absolutely fantastic! Their teachers, families and friends were all very proud of them! In the afternoon, the class were then treated to the wonderful KS1 performance.

Today has been one of complete joy and excitement. Reception met Father Christmas and had their Christmas photo taken in the morning. This was followed by a fabulous party in the afternoon. I am sure we have sent home some very exhausted children tonight!

Thank you so much for your Christmas gifts yesterday; it took us by complete surprise! We really appreciate your generosity.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team