Reception Week Beginning 26.9.22

It was lovely to see so many of you at the parent phonics meeting yesterday; thank you for your support, we hope you found it useful.

Today, in your child’s book bag, you will find two reading books and the parent comment book. On the inside cover, you will find information regarding your child’s reading day. Remember, their books need to be returned on this same day every week. Please note, we haven’t sent home a class library book this week; this will start next week. Thank you!

This week, Reception have been thinking about when they were babies and growing up. On Wednesday, we had some very special visitors- Conor’s mum and his baby brother! The class loved listening to how Conor and his parents take care of him.

The children also had fun planning a birthday party held in the new home corner! They made birthday cards, banners and bunting and even designed their own birthday cakes and planned the birthday food!

The class have got off to a great start in their phonics learning. There are no new sheets on a Friday, as we always do our consolidation lesson on this day. Thank you again for supporting your child with their learning. It makes a huge difference to their reading and writing outcomes.

Thank you to everyone for returning your data collection form. Below you will find some of the photos from the past couple of weeks!

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team