Reception Week Beginning 17.1.22

It has been such an exciting week in Reception!

On Monday morning, the class received a letter from the Natural History Museum in London, asking the class if they could look after a rare dinosaur egg, while a new cabinet was being fitted. After much deliberation, the class all agreed, even though they knew that it was a very big responsibility! The children decided to write back to the museum to tell them their decision. They also began to think about the things that they needed to do in preparation. It was agreed that the egg would need to be put into a protective case and lots of the children offered to make one immediately.

On Thursday, the egg arrived by special courier and was handed over to Mrs Heymoz, who brought it into class. The children were very excited and couldn’t wait for Ms Pemberton to open the box. The egg was a very unusual shape; the children wondered what kind of dinosaur it belonged to and so they wrote back to the museum to ask them. We are looking forward to receiving their reply and finding out more information next week.


The book focus this week has been the traditional tale ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. Amongst many other things, Reception have enjoyed using puppets and props to retell the story, sequencing the story using special story cards, writing sorry letters to the three bears from Goldilocks and learning the Three Bears Rap.

In RE, the children learnt how God has no beginning and no end, just like a circle. They then explored and made circles using a variety of media.

In Maths, the children have continued their understanding of the composition of numbers up to five, when it is split into two groups, through lots of practical activities. They have also been impressing us daily with their growing subitising skills!

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team