Reception Week 5
What a busy week! We can’t believe how much we have managed to fit in!
We continued to take advantage of the dry weather by taking our PE lesson outside on the field, where we had lots of fun exploring the different sports equipment.
We also used the field for a very special turn taking session with the parachute. We learnt lots of different games and once again showed off our excellent listening skills!
In class, we have been thinking about our families and growing older. In particular, we have focussed on birthday celebrations. The children have been very busy making named wrist bands, writing birthday guest lists, writing out party invitations, creating birthday cards and banners, making party hats and using clay and junk modelling materials to make party food. They also enjoyed using the playdough to make cakes with real candles on.
The most exciting part of the week was when we had the ‘Birthday Party’ role play reveal. The children couldn’t believe that the outside role play had disco music and flashing lights inside. Lots of fun was had recreating party games such as pass-the-parcel and musical ,as well as using the area for a good old sing-a-long and dance.
On Friday morning, we had a visit from two photographers. One came to take our individual photographs and the other came from the local paper, who are doing a special feature soon about all of the local Reception classes. She couldn’t believe how well behaved the class were and how well they listened to instructions. In fact, she told us that we were actually the best class she had ever photographed! This was of course a very proud teacher moment!
The week finished with a visit from our lovely Year 6 learning partners.