Reception Week 29

Today we participated in the May Procession to honour Our Lady.

The children showed reverence as they joined the rest of the school in prayer, listened to the Year 5 children and laid down their flowers by the altar in the Peace Garden.

It was wonderful to see so many of our families joining us.

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In class this week, we have been focussing our learning on space. The children have been busy turning the outside role play shed into a space station. They have also created their own space shuttles from a range of materials and thought about the things that they would need if they were to take a trip to the moon.

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In preparation for our Grandparents Day on May 21st, if possible please provide your child with a photograph of their grandparents, so that they can talk about in class in a special show and tell next week. The photo will also form the basis for some of our other learning over the nest couple of weeks.

Thank you!

Enjoy your weekend,

The Reception Team