Reception Class Week Beginning 27.9.21

This week, the children have been thinking about their families and how every family is special and unique. The children really enjoyed sharing photos of their own family and talking about the things that they love to do together.

Thank you for supplying your child with such beautiful photos!








Reception have also had fun exploring the story ‘Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson. They children engaged in a range of activities throughout the week such as: making their own stick man from twigs found in the outside area, writing their own Stick Man stories, painting the family tree using their hands, printing using natural resources gifted by trees, and  making Stick Man 3D collages.


This afternoon, Reception had a phone call from Stick Man’s wife, who asked them for help to find Stick Man; he had gone missing again! The class were only too happy to help and searched outside straight away. Luckily, Abigail spotted him in a tree, in the Peace Garden. He had apparently been chased up there by a ginger cat and had hurt both his legs…..he was a sick, stuck man!!!

The class rescued him from the tree and Ms Pemberton rang Mrs Stick Man to say that he had been found. She was delighted and very relieved!!

As one of our activities to encourage communication, listening and turn-taking skills this week, the children had fun trying to guess what was inside a box. There were some fantastic guesses and some very funny guesses too ! This is a great game to play as a family on a rainy day!

Thank you to all of the families who supplied us with plants this week. They finally went into the ground yesterday and the class flowerbed is looking lovely!

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team