Reception Class Week 6

This week in RE, we have been learning about how God created our wonderful world. The children listened exceptionally well and were able to recall the creation story in great detail afterwards. We then drew pictures and made models of creatures from clay, to display on our prayer table.

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On Monday morning, we suddenly abandoned the classroom, as something very distracting and very exciting was happening in the field next to us! The farmer was finally harvesting his crops. This was a fantastic real life learning opportunity for the children, and we were able to use the experience to make learning links with the celebration of Harvest Festival.

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On Thursday, Mrs Theo, Mrs Heymoz, Hanna, Emily, Panayiotis and Vincent all went to the church to visit the Little Lambs Group. We wanted to tell the parents and the children all about Pope Paul School, and to invite them to come and visit us. We also managed to have some fun while we were there!

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On Wednesday, we had our first session with Mr Dugan from Dame Alice Owen School. Despite the fact that we had to stay indoors due to bad weather, we still managed to have lots of fun practising our throwing, catching and jumping skills.


Don’t forget, next Friday you are all invited to the Harvest Festival assembly. This will be followed by our Learning Celebration Morning, where you will get the chance to see some of the children’s fantastic learning on display in class. Looking forward to seeing you there!

The Reception Team

4 replies
  1. Thea Komodromou
    Thea Komodromou says:

    Ahh these are lovely. Panayiotis for once actually told me about his week and seeing the farmer harvest the crops and his visit to the Little Lambs group, so it’s lovely to see the photos. Thank you for sharing them 🙂


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