Reception Class- Autumn Term 2 Week 2
Reception class started the week participating in a two minute silence at 11 o’clock, to commemorate Remembrance Day. The children have also been thinking about the friends and family that they have lost and have been praying for them every day during special prayer time.
This week has also been Anti-bullying week. The children have focussed lots of their learning around the story ‘The Rainbow Fish’, which is a book about making friends. The children have been discussing what they think makes a good friend and what to do if someone is being unkind to them or others. They also made cards and friendship bracelets and gave them to each other.
In RE, Reception have started the new unit ‘From Advent to Christmas’. The children have been thinking about all of things that you need to do and the things that you need to get in place, when you are preparing for the birth of a baby. The class were lucky to be joined by our very own Ms Varga who is also expecting a baby very soon. She told us everything that she has been doing in preparation for this wonderful event and answered lots of questions from the children. The children have also enjoyed exploring the new church role-play area outside!
Finally, in Maths this week, the children have had lots of fun finding different ways to sort a range of natural and man-made objects around the classroom.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer