Reception Autumn Term Week 7

Reception have been thinking about growing this week. The children have had lots of opportunities to discuss how they have changed from being babies to how they are now and the things that they are now able to do that they couldn’t do when they were first born.

Reception have also been very busy making props to support the new birthday party role play area. The children have enjoyed making birthday cards, presents, invitations, party banners and party food lists.

In Maths this week, the class have been very busy exploring the number four-  sorting objects into groups of four, finding different ways to make four using different maths frames, looking for objects such as cars that have four wheels and tables that have four legs, drawing four things, writing the number four, finding four sided shapes in the indoor and outdoor learning environments, making four sided shapes from different construction and finding one more and one less than four!

Mrs Gymer and I  would like to invite all parents and carers to join us at our brand new weekly reading session, starting after half term. This is an opportunity to simply come and spend some time reading with your child in the Reception classroom. This 20 minute session will be held every Wednesday at 3pm. Siblings are of course very welcome too, but please leave buggies in the bike shelter for health and safety reasons.

Please come via the main school entrance.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer