Monday 20th April, 2020
Good Morning Year 4 and welcome back!
We hope that you have all enjoyed a special and relaxing Easter break and look forward to seeing any pictures you can send us of the work that you have done and ways you have enjoyed yourselves. We hope you didn’t eat too much chocolate!
It would be lovely to see any pictures you have of your Easter activities.
This is a picture of Alice’s recycled cross that she made during the Easter break. The lego image of the Nightingale Hospital was made by Ellie.
A reminder: you can keep in contact with us by sending an email to:
Continue to try your best in doing your learning each day. Remember, read through each activity for today’s learning and keep your handwriting neatly presented as you complete each task.
Today’s Learning: Monday 20th April
Things for you to try at home if you have time : Have a look!
Get Creative! Click here for ideas!
Do! Click here for ideas!
Click here for ideas!
We’d love to see all the great learning the children are doing at home.
A way to share this with the class is to take a photo of your child’s work and email it to us!