Monday 15th June Learning

Good morning Year 1. I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Here is your learning today. Please email me photos of your learning and if you have questions about the learning.






6 + 6 =

7 + 7 =

10 + 10 =

8 + 8 =

9 + 9 =


Watch the video clip and then complete the activity on the sheet or in your book.


Monday Maths


WALT- Identify adjectives.

Write the date


Read the poem Purple is on the link below.

Purple Is

Make a list of the adjectives in the poem. Do you know what they mean? Look at the words in a dictionary and write the meanings for some of them.


Spelling/Handwriting has, his, is, I, was


Play the games

Write a sentence for each word.


Here are Year 2 common exception words.

Common Exception words



Letters and Sounds lesson at 10.30am for Year 1  – Today’s sound is y (fly)


If your child would like to revise the Phase 3 sounds – 10.00am

Reading  Read for 10 minutes and talk about what you have read.  Record the books you have read in your reading record. Write a sentence about each book read. Did you like it? Why? Would you recommend it to someone? What was your favourite part? If you did not like it, why? What would you change about the story?



Password- Parents20!

Click on Collins Big Cat.

Click on the colour book band – try the next colour for your child this term. For example: If your child is Yellow click the colour below yellow (blue) Choose a book. Remember to read the book a few times over the week and talk about the book. Click on resources for some activities on the book.

Wider Curriculum Choose an activity from the link below

First News

First News activities