Monday 15th June 2020

Good morning, Year 5. I hope you enjoyed your weekend and you are ready for another week of learning.

Mrs Lines

Morning Prayer

Click the link and say the prayer for today.


Maths WALT- Understand Percentages




English Find your learning here:Year 5 Day 1
Reading and Spelling Complete 10 read theory tests

Read your own book for 20 minutes

Use spelling frame- rule 62

Curriculum For this week, your wider curriculum learning will be based on what’s currently in the news. The tasks are linked to last week’s edition of children’s newspaper, First News, which you can find below. Refer to the page number, then enjoy doing the relevant activity for each article. Each day, try and complete at least one of the activities in the grid


Activities:First News activities

Newspaper:First News

Miss Pringle’s activity ideas can be found here

This week’s RE is based on the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Look at the RE blog for more details.