Non-negotiables in Literacy
Year 1
- Use full stops and capital letters in my sentences.
- Sequence events and ideas in order, for example, The Princess is rescued after being captured…
- Use ‘and’ in some of my writing.
Year 2
- Write simple sentences using the word ‘and’.
- Same tense used throughout the story.
- Full stops and capital letters used.
- ?, ! and commas used in lists.
- Events and ideas sequenced in order, for example, The Princess is rescued after being captured…
Year 3
- Connectives (and, but, so) used.
- Use of one tense used throughout writing.
- Full stops, capital letters, !, ?, commas used in lists.
- Speech marks used in writing to show when speech is used and the correct use of said.
- Events and ideas in order (especially in story writing).
- Some attempts to organise ideas with related points placed next to each other links made between sentences within paragraphs.
Year 4
- Different length of sentences and some use of sentences separated by a comma.
- Include greater range of connectives, e.g. However, therefore…
- Secure use of tense and begin to use a variation of tense for effect.
- Punctuation used correctly in speech, e.g. Fred shouted, “Give me the phone!”
- Full stops, capital letters, !, ?, commas used to join ideas together or split sentences.
- Begin to show movement between paragraphs in some forms of writing, e.g. the use of firstly, next, after that, finally.
Year 5/6
- Use greater range of connectives e.g. consequently, alternatively, furthermore, similarly.
- Vary the use of tense in a text (for example, use of flashbacks).
- Vary length of sentences for purpose and effect.
- In speech – new line used for new speaker.
- All sentences accurately formed with correct punctuation.
- Ideas organised with a suitable opening and closing.
- Overall direction of writing clearly signaled, e.g. beginning, middle and end.
- Movement between paragraphs and use range of connections between sentences.
Year 6
- write with technical accuracy of syntax and punctuation in phrases, clauses and sentences.
- vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect.
- organise and present whole texts effectively, sequencing and structuring information, ideas and events.
- construct paragraphs and use cohesion within and between paragraphs.
- write imaginative, interesting and thoughtful texts.
- produce texts which are appropriate to task, reader and purpose.
- select appropriate and effective vocabulary.
- correct spelling of grammatical function words, most derivational suffixes and prefixes, most content/topic related words.