Lesley Bills
I have taught in Catholic education for the past 30 years, most recently at St Columba’s College in St Albans for 14 years as Head of Prep Music and a further five years until December 2019 as Liturgy Leader. I was appointed as a Foundation Governor at Pope
Paul School in December 2017. My areas of responsibility include: Special Educational Needs; RE Subject Link Governor; Pupil Premium; Sports Premium; School Parliament and Pupil Voice. I am happy to support such a wonderful school in their journey to provide an excellent education for every child in their care.
Type of Governor: Foundation Governor
Date of most recent appointment: 01.12.2017
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: Archbishop of Westminster
Committee membership/responsibilities:School Improvement Committee, Governor Responsible for SEND, Pupil Premium Governor, Sports Funding Governor, School Parliament, Religious Education
Business and pecuniary interests: None
Governance roles, or other links to other schools: None
Relationships with other governors: None
Relationships with members of school staff: None