Healthy Living week

Summer Term 2 Week 3 w.b. 13.06.2022

What a busy Health and Fitness week we have had! Year 1 focussed on the importance of having ‘5-a-day’ in our diets. They all tried to eat a different vegetable for their lunch, had extra snack and designed posters to promote healthy eating.

I was so impressed with the children’s efforts on Sports afternoon on Tuesday. They all tried their best and did not let the heat and sun get in their way.

In maths this week we were learning how to collect and organise data in different ways. We made a tally chart of all the fruits we liked and then answered questions based on a pictogram. We recorded a pictogram on all the fruit and vegetables we had eaten everyday to see if we reached ‘5-a-day’. Then on Friday we voted for our favourite flavour of water and collected the data using tally marks. Our most popular was orange flavour water. Can you find out what is the most popular in your household? Mathletics has been set to support data handling learning.

In English we were set a challenge to write as many fruits as we could think of. Our record was 17! Can you beat us? We recorded our fruits using numbers in a list and then selected the most popular to use in our fruit salads. Before we made our fruit salads we knew we had to write a set of instructions to follow. We know our instructions were successful as we were all able to follow them when we made our fruit salad with the help of Year 5. They were yummy!


This week we have moved onto the end of Phase 5 ‘the alternative sounds’ where children will be taught that the vowels can make their long sounds too. There is no spelling frame to support this so I will find some additional resources to support the learning at home next week as it was a no bag day today.

We finished the week with a walk to Church to join in with The Blessed Sacrament Procession. We walked in silence so we could focus on the procession and then took part in prayers and reflection in the Church.

P.E. kits for Monday (P.E.) and Wednesday (swimming) next week.

Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend,

Miss Lambie