Friday 9th March

This week has been one that started off full of colour from all the costumes that were worn for World Book Day!

A big thank you to the parents who helped the children dress up in such a wonderful array of costumes portraying characters from literature. As the cold snowy weather delayed our  special day, it was particularly impressive  with the variety of costumes that the children came in. Many staff joined in the fun dressing up as  some of their favourite characters too.

In RE, we looked at the importance of Fairtrade and found out about Patrick,  a Tea farmer from Kenya.  Through guided reading, the children found out more about Fairtrade and the importance of a fair wage.  We also have learnt more about Lent through: Praying, Fasting and Giving.

On Wednesday, we took part in the Year 3 and 4 Mass at church.  The children who read and took up the offertory gifts did so with such reverence and confidence.  The singing also made the mass memorable for all.  Well done to the class.

We have also been busy with our Sports this week: rugby, dance and swimming….the links with maths and rugby is making the lesson even more interesting.

It has been a pleasure for myself and Ms Varga to meet with you over the last few weeks to discuss your child’s progress.  We hope that you found the consultations informative.

Today (Friday) Mrs Burgess continued her work on Sculpting with willow but this this  time making spheres.

Homework has been handed out and as  usual, I will be available at Homework Club on Monday and Tuesday (Lunchtime).

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs McNamara


Our Willow Sculptures

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