Friday, 4th March 2022
The children in Year 4, had a fun filled week. They built their shells for their bedside lamps on Monday, whilst on Tuesday, they participated in a very busy Mardi Gras day. They flipped pancakes, decorated masks and sampled some lovely scotch pancakes in class.
On Wednesday, they have received ashes during Mass and thought about their Lenten promises. It has been lovely to see that the children not only decided to give up chocolates or sweets but promised to give up some of their free time as well, to play with siblings or to help out at home.
On Thursday, the class celebrated World Book Day and participated in a ‘parade’, showing off their imaginative costumes and book choices.
In the meantime, they consolidated their understanding of unit, and non-unit fractions of sets of objects and numbers in Maths. In English, they looked at features of historical reports and developed research and note taking techniques. In RE, they used Scripture to reflect on the symbolic meaning of the Stations of the Cross. In Geography, they used atlases and satellite pictures to locate Florida-the Sunshine State and look at its features. In French, they continued looking at specific items of clothing, creating different outfits in French.
Have a lovely weekend after such a busy week,
Ms Varga
Home Learning
Home Learning | Due by Tuesday, 8th March 2022 |
Spelling | Spelling Rule 18 – Words with the /s/ sound spelt sc (Latin in origin) (e.g. science, ascent… etc.)
Please practice this week’s spelling words before testing yourselves on them. |
Reading | Log onto Read Theory and complete 2 tasks. Please also update your reading logs and be prepared to present them on Wednesday. |
Multiplication | Please log onto TT Rockstars and practice your allocated tables. Well done for Eliana, our leader, who gained more than 27,000 coins so far! Excellent effort! |
English | Please be ready to present your A4 plans (1 detailed map+ 1 or more for 2 animal, 2 plant species and 1 inhabitant) about your ‘Land of Neverbelieve’ on MONDAY. Use last week’s blog info and watch the attached clip again, if necessary. Please include lots of details about habitat, diet, dimensions (hight, weight, parts, body parts, special features, climate they prefer, etc) |