Friday 27th May 2022

We have come to the end of our half term and what a final day we had! The children looked wonderful in their Jubilee outfits and had a great day taking part in activities to celebrate. Thank you to Lisa, our school cook, for baking cakes for us all to share at the end of the day.

On Tuesday, Charlie Max, Monica and Sophie  took part in the Oakmere Mini Marathon.  Miss Pringle praised the children for their efforts.  Well done!

Our History focus for this week was to learn about how jubilees were different in the past. Year 5 were able to identify ways that celebrations are the same and how they have changed.

This week was also our annual Spirituality Focus and on Thursday after the Ascension Day Mass at Our Lady and St Vincent’s Church, the children took part in the stations that had been set up for them in the Main Hall. Well done to the class who were very respectful and involved in Fr Shaun’s homily…answering his questions and telling the congregation about the Ascension and other things.  A number of the parishioners came up to us after the mass to compliment the children on how they showed such reverence in Mass.  Well done Year 5! Thank you also to Macy and Finn who read for the mass clearly and articulately.  Thank you to Year 6 for leading the stations and helping Year 5 pray and reflect. Next year, Year 5 will be the ones to take on this role of responsibility and we can’t wait to see them rise to the occasion. We also created prayer cards for a Year 2 child. It was wonderful to meet with them and exchange our cards earlier today.

Click here to see photos from this week.

Have a wonderful half term

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home Learning

Please see the details of our whole school home learning in the newsletter.