Friday 26th November, 2021

Another busy week this week in Year 5 !

The children have been busy writing up their World Explorer leaflets either on the Polar Region or The Jungle!  They have planned the content for their text and have worked hard to engage the reader using hooks.  Today, the class looked at each other’s leaflets and they were all so complimentary in their feedback:

Elle said that Gabriela’s leaflet was, “very interesting with lots of interesting words to hook me into reading on.”

Vihaan enjoyed reading Ti’s leaflet as , “he has explained lots about what to expect in the jungle.”

Ela-Maria also added that she enjoyed reading Arthur’s leaflet..”I like his introduction as he describes what I might face in the polar region!”

In Karate with Michael this week, we learnt punches, blocks and stances.  The children played “Sensei says” and unfortunately Michael tricked quite a lot of the class!!

In Maths the children have continued their learning about factors and multiples and created factor beetles to aid their understanding.

In RE the children have started to prepare  a Liturgy of the Word using the Advent Readings for this liturgical year.  These liturgies will be based on the second, third and fourth week of Advent.

As the Advent Service is approaching, the children have been given their words/actions etc.. and have been learning the new songs for the service during singing practise.  Please make sure that you have Wednesday 8th December set aside in your diary!  It will be a lovely, prayerful experience.

Wishing you and your family a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara

Home Learning: 

  1.  Learning words and songs for the Advent Service.  Click here for the lyrics to the songs.
  2.  Please also remember to hand in your Anglo-Saxon and Viking Research by next Wednesday
  3.  A gentle reminder regarding the FOPPS Christmas Card Competition.  Please hand in entries next week.