Friday 26th March 2021

This week in Year 5 we continued to rehearse our singing for the Stations of the Cross service, which took place on Thursday. Well done to all of Year 5 in helping lead our school and community in this beautiful reflection.

The children enjoyed taking part in Lenten fundraising this week by making Easter gardens, having a Fairtrade banana and biscuit bar, and completing word hunts and obstacle courses. Thank you to the Year 6 children for organising these events.

Today we took part in a Science investigation to find out whether the longer our legs are, the further we can jump. Ask your child to fill you in on our findings.

Thank you to Joseph who made cupcakes for everyone today- they were delicious.

There is no home learning for the Easter break. Have a wonderful rest and I look forward to welcoming you all back in the Summer Term.