Friday 20th May 2022
This week in Year 5 the children have been busy with their learning as well as experiencing The Mini Police Awards Assembly.
It was lovely to see parents attend the Year 5 Mini Police Assembly on Tuesday and for the children to receive their Mini Police certificates from Inspector Robertson.
At 9:30am on Tuesday the class also participated in attempting a Guinness World Record alongside UK-wide schools. Times Tables Rock Stars and National Numeracy Ambassadors, Strictly Come Dancing star Katya Jones and TV presenter Bobby Seagull lead a times table number roll to help children feel positive and confident about Maths. The class joined in with this eagerly!
In English we have written balanced arguments about whether the Macbeths should kill King Duncan. The children used a formal tone and focused on their cohesion with words and phrases such as ‘furthermore’, ‘in addition’ and ‘in conclusion’. We then became detectives and used expanded noun phrases to describe the murder scene. Our Guided Reading lessons have centered around prologues and writing predictions this week. Year 5 have been keen to show me books with prologues they have found.
Our History learning had us looking at the achievements of the Ancient Greeks. After some discussion, Year 5 ranked them on how important they felt they were. I was greatly impressed by the way their backed up their points.
In Science today, we spoke about why people in the past thought the Earth was flat, and how they began to realise it was spherical. This prompted a lot of discussion and questions that showed some great scientific knowledge.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
Mrs Lines Mrs McNamara
Home Learning
Science– Research the planets. Create an A4 fact file about the planets that will be stuck into their science books. There should be a picture of each planet with information about it. The planets should be written about in the order they are from the sun. This was discussed in class today. The fact sheets are due in on Monday 6th June.
Websites to help:
Spellings- Spelling frame rule 60
rhyme, rhythm, sacrifice, secretary, shoulder, signature, sincere, sincerely, solider, stomach and sufficient.
Mathletics: Log on to complete your Mathletics (which is based on multiplication and fractions). If you have any problems do not worry. We can look at the activity on Monday at lunchtime.
Timestable Rockstars: log on and complete the focus timetable(s) for this week.