Friday 19th March 2021- Year 5
In Year 5 this week, we have continued to develop our understanding of fractions and used cohesive devices in our writing. We have also begun building our moving toys by creating our frames and axles.
Today was Red Nose Day and so our mile a day run included balancing a golf ball on a spoon. Well done to Mishka and Sami Z, who represented Year 5in the end of day whole school joke assembly.
Next week, we will focus on Holy Week so today we sequenced the key events from Palm Sunday to Pentecost on a wreath.
Next week, Year 5 will form a choir for our Stations of the Cross at OLSV. You can watch on the Livestream at 10:30 on Thursday.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Lines
Home Learning:
Study ladder
10 read theory tests.