Friday, 15th November 2024

This week has been anti-bullying week and the children in Year 2 have learnt about the importance of ‘Choosing Respect’.  The class completed many activities, such as role playing behaviour types using scenario cards and making a pledge demonstrating their understanding of respect. They also sorted scenarios into behaviour types and gained understanding of ‘joking, teasing and bullying’. They discussed strategies to cope with each and mapped out their support network; people they can trust and turn to for help.

In English, the class carried on in their ‘The day the crayons quit’ unit and looked at apostrophes for omission and contraction in particular, using the text. They used matching cards to find each other in class before applying the contracted forms in sentences.

In Maths, we used practical resources such as ten frames, not only to consolidate our number bonds to 20 but to draw up fact families as well. If we know that 7+13=20 then we also know that: 13+7=20, 20-7=13 and 20-13=7 without actually calculating any of these number sentences.

In Science, we grouped food items into food groups such as: grains, proteins, dairy, fats, fruit and vegetable and designed a healthy lunch box for our Science duck, Diddy.

In RE we looked at Advent as a time of waiting and reflected on children’s own experiences of waiting for something special such as the arrival of a baby  sibling or a trip to Lego Land. We also identified signs and symbols associated with Advent such as a Jesse Tree, an Advent Calendar, an evergreen wreath or the Advent candles.

In PE, we used balls to play simple invasion games practicing the roles of an attacker and a defender.

Well done to Luca, who showed us his wonderful learning from home, all based on the next sequence of our class book, titled ‘The day the Crayons came home’. Luca recalled the story with great detail and showed us the amazing fortress and crayon characters he made with his family. It has been lovely to see how the book inspired him and how he applied his learning in such a creative task!

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning:

Spelling– Children took home their login details for Spelling Shed on Thursday. This resource will enable them to practice and consolidate the spelling rules learnt each week, as well as introduce the next rule that they will learn about further in class the following week. Children will participate in weekly spelling tests based on the week’s rule. This week, the class learnt to spell words where ‘-dge’ makes a /j/ sound. They will have a test on these and next week’s words (Words where ‘ge’ makes a /j/ sound)  on Friday, 22nd November 2024.

Please log onto this new resource and complete the assigned activities (spelling games).

Reading– Please continue to read with your child and sign reading record.

TTRock Stars– A huge well done to all children who accessed their accounts and practiced this week. Our class leader is Mia at the moment. Congratulations! Please continue to practice your 2s, 5s and 10s.

Mathletics– Please log onto your account and complete the To do list.

Nativity– I am pleased to announce that Miss Pemberton and myself chose our Nativity production for this year and rehearsals began in earnest this week. Parts will be given out next week and we shall send information out about costumes and props in due course. Please read through the lyrics for the songs if possible, with a specific focus for the first 3 which we learnt in school.

Song lyrics