Friday 14th January 2022
Friday 14th January 2022
Year five have had a busy week with their learning. The children started a new piece of work on mystery and suspense writing. They have been reading and analysing a book called The Watertower by Gary Crew. The children have greatly enjoyed reading the story alongside the visual images that accompany it.
For maths, the children have continued practising their times tables and have been revising the different methods they can use to help them with addition and subtraction. In RE under our theme of Sacramental People, the children wrote lovely poems about where they find God in their world today.
As part of their History topic on the Vikings, there will be a Viking Day on Wednesday 26th January. The children are invited to come in Viking dress. A letter will be sent home with your child on Monday.
The PE days for Year 5 have been altered for this term – PE will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays this term. The focus will be on gym and dance and this will take place in the school hall.
As part of our ongoing work in RHE (Relationship, Health Education), the children have been looking at the unit on Me, My Body and My Health.
In class they have discussed how they are similar and different from one another and the importance of respecting their bodies. Over the next two sessions, the focus will be on puberty. Please use the log in details to Ten Ten’s Parent Portal to look at the resources Mrs McNamara and I will be using for these sessions in class. If you have any questions, please contact us via the school office.
Username: pope-paul-en6 password: lambswool
Once you have logged ono the Parent Portal, click on Years 3 and 4
Under Module One: Created and Loved by God, click on Unit 2: Me, My Body, My Health
Look though the information under session 3 and session 4.
I’d like to wish you all an enjoyable weekend.
Mr. Holmes
Homework Learning for this week:
1. Mathletics
2.Read Theory
3. The spelling words are: yacht, bruise, pacific, celebration, languages, cruise, vehicle, nougat, guarantee, queue, immediately, pneumonia.
4. Continue in the style of the author a paragraph of descriptive writing: The girl moved silently through the dark woods. She shivered, drawing her hood up further. It was winter now. Gathering her courage, she stepped through the cold, hard snow. Suddenly she heard a noise ……… ( write six or seven sentences adding connectives to enhance cohesion within the text).