Friday, 10th June 2022

This week, the children in Year 4 took part in cross curricular activities, centered around the 3 main symbols of Pentecost: water, wind and fire.

On Tuesday, they performed a short poem in teams, thinking about effective expression and actions. Later that morning, after a brief introduction to hydropower, they designed water wheels using recyclable materials. They also posed ‘what if’ questions to change certain parts of their water wheels and further tested the improved models. In the afternoon, they learnt about floods then created beautiful pastel crayon pictures inspired by underwater scenes.

On Wednesday, the class looked at personification as a poetic tool in a range of short poems inspired by ‘the wind’. They then listened to musical pieces from Gustav Holst and Beethoven, identifying instruments and explaining how these create a specific effect- using words such as dynamics, tempo, volume, and tone. Later in the day, they followed instructions to fold paper into 5 different gliders then tested them outside, measuring their flight path accurately. In the afternoon, the children used water colour paint to create art pieces inspired by wind turbines. We also spent some time on preparations for next Tuesday’s Sports Day.

On Thursday, the children looked at poetry again, followed by History. The class revisited their learning from Year 2 about the Great Fire of London; placing the events in time and recapping the most important characters. They later created collage art with a similar theme. They also practiced shot put, javelin, sprint and hurdle as a further preparation for Sports Day.

On Friday, the children focused on the religious aspect of Pentecost, explaining the deeper meaning  of the Gospel, before meeting Fr Fidelis, who answered their questions in class. They completed their Pentecostal Week by attending Mass in the afternoon and enjoying a refreshing ice lolly outdoors.

A fantastic week of cross curricular learning for Year 4, which enabled the whole class to partake in practical activities. The children were brilliant at posing their own questions and created some remarkable art pieces. We hope you will enjoy looking at some of them in class on Tuesday!

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning
Spelling Spelling Rule 29 – Word list – years 3 and 4 – fo- to h


Please complete two reading activities and update your reading log.


Please practice your mixed facts.

The window for the Government Multiplication Table Check has opened, and we are planning to run the official tests next week. The class will complete a trial run first, followed by the actual test online. 

Project Please carry on with your practical project of researching Tudor housing before building your own 3D model. See information in last week’s blog.



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