Friday 10th January, 2025
Happy New Year!
The Feast of the Epiphany is celebrated 12 days after Christmas on 6th January. It is an important Christian feast as it reveals Jesus as saviour for the world. In class the children created their Epiphany crown for our whole school assembly led by Mrs Heymoz. Thank you to Julia and Filip for reading the Gospel to the whole school with such reverence, clarity, and dedication. The children spent time in class examining the significance of Matthew’s Gospel 2:1-12 reflecting on the meaning of the Epiphany as the moment when Jesus was revealed to the world and recognised by the Gentiles and wrote a reflection on how the Epiphany demonstrates God’s universal love. I was struck by how thoughtful and reflective their work was. In today’s whole school assembly, thank you to Finn McB, Francine, Sienna, Emily and Frankie who helped to introduce this week’s theme of Baptism.
In our collective worship this week, we thank Chloe A. Michael and Rian for leading us in prayer where the theme was ‘guidance’ alongside the story of the Wise Men.
The Liturgy Group met with Deacon Sean on Wednesday to discuss their focus for this term and during their Wednesday lunchtime organised a reflective session using The Examen. They set aside part of a lunchtime inviting the children from both Key Stage One and Key Stage Two to join them in reviewing their day in the presence of God and encouraging them to try to become more aware of how God is working in their life, fostering a deeper relationship with Him.
In Maths this week the class have continued with their work on fractions revisiting how to divide any fraction by an integer. Maths Enrichment is starting up again next Thursday morning and after school (until 4:15pm). Your child is most welcome to join us.
In English, we have begun a new unit on Arthur Spiderwick’s Field Guide. The children have enjoyed reading about these fantastical creatures, particularly the boggart that gets up to much mischief! Today they imagined this creature in their own homes and wrote all about how their families might be terrorised!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines
Home learning
Mathletics – Please log onto your account. Work has been set on fractions and place value. I have reassigned some children’s accounts with activities that they found slightly difficult. If they have time, could you encourage your child to look back at these activities and if they have any problems come and see me on Monday please. Thank you.