Choir supporting our local comunity

Congratulations to the choir who sang at the Act4 URC Christmas Fayre today. You all did brilliantly and were a credit to your parents and to our school. I received an email from the Director of music, Stephen Jones….

It was lovely to hear the choir today. I thought their singing was excellent. As I said after your performance, I was impressed by their clear words, good choir discipline, excellent intonation, beautiful tuning in the two part singing (not only in, but especially in the chromatic lines of ‘White Christmas’), performance demeanour – there were some smiling faces, lots of great mouth shapes and dropped jaws, good ensemble stemming from their evident good training – things like watching the conductor, and responding to the beat. There was lots of energy too, especially in your finale ‘Rocking around the Christmas tree’ which the choir sang with great panache and evident enjoyment. All in all, a very pleasing performance of which everyone can feel proud.

Thank you to all the parents who made it possible for the choir to perform today and to Miss Donatantonio for all her hard work with the junior choir.

Well done everyone!

Liz Heymoz


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