
Good Morning Y3,


I hope you had a lovely weekend. Thank you for your emails, it is wonderful to hear from you.

Here is today’s learning:




Here is a fun game to help develop your problem solving skills and fitness level.

Check out this video to learn how to play tic tak toe relay. Have fun.



Spelling/ handwriting 


Copy the 10 spelling  into your handwriting books four times.


Remember to use the guidelines and use my example to check the correct letter formation.














Spag.com activities have been set on noun phrases and compound nouns.


noun phrase includes one noun as well as words that describe it, for example: the black dog. In the classroom, children might be asked to look at noun phrases and turn them into expanded noun phrases, for example changing ‘the black dog’ to ‘the big, furry black dog’.


compound noun contains two or more words that join together to make a single noun, like “keyboard.”



Log your daily reading in your reading record and complete these two  activities in there too.



Pick an adjective (descriptive) word from any text, write it down and use a thesaurus to write down five synonyms (words with similar meanings) and antonyms (words with opposite meanings) for that word.


Re-read a chapter of a book – pick out 10 words that you feel are powerful words and that you could use in your own writing.




Please complete this tasks online.

Mathletics tasks based on telling the time have been set.


Please email me at year3@popepaul.herts.sch.uk  if you need reminding of your log in and password details.






Optical illusions can be a lot of fun – I thought you might enjoy sharing these optical illusions with your family and create one of your own;


Using this tutorial please sketch an optical illusion in you art book or onto paper.




Happy Friday!

Memories of sunny summer days…

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Enjoy the video.

24.4.20 learning

Good Morning and Happy Friday!

I hope you enjoy today’s learning and have a lovely weekend.

Miss Pringle

Spelling/ handwriting 



Spelling test – put the short date in your writing book and the numbers 1- 10 in the margin then ask someone to test you on the 10 ary words written in your handwriting book on Monday. Good luck.


Give yourself a percentage out of 100 just as we do in class.

10/10 = 100%      9/10 = 90 %



WALT write a news report.

If you haven’t edited, illustrated and finished your project then please do that today.

If you have finished your project then please watch Newsround and report on one of the news stories that most interested you.

Write one or two quality paragraphs about it and remember reporters have to include who was involved as well as what, how, where and when it happened.



Follow this link to listen to David Walliams read you one of his stories. I hope you enjoyed Stacey Superstar yesterday – I know I did.


Read with an adult for 15 minutes and Log the book and date in your reading record.



Miss Pringle’s daily fluency


Please self mark your maths today and discuss any you need support with, with an adult. Go onto Mathletics and practice any area that you may have needed support with this week.






+21 = 64

-21 =22

+9 = 52

-11 = 32








Counting up in 2s







Friday was the hottest day

Wednesday was 20˚C

Thursday was 5˚C hotter


Quarter to 6

5.50 or 10 to 6

5.35 or 25 to 6



5 equal sides

5 corners

No right angles


½ has been eaten


1,000g = 1kg

2,000g = 2kg







+9 = 265

-9 = 247

-99= 157

+99 = 355





200, 250, 300

307, 407, 507

500, 450, 400








6,7 or 8


3 O’Clock

15 minutes

3.30 or half past 3



2 circular faces and 1 rectangular face

2 edges


A = ½

B = 1/3

C = ¼


10mm = 1cm

30mm = 3cm



A and D are acute


+21= 621

-21= 579

+101= 701

-101= 499









31 days

8 weeks (and 5 days)

365 days



25 – 30


12.30 or half past 12

30 minutes or half an hour

1.30 or half past 1


Triangle, irregular triangle or scalene are all correct

3 corners

No lines of symmetry





1,000 ml = 1 l

½ l = 500ml




C and D


+11 = 421

-11 = 399

-21 = 389

+21 = 431





7, 17, 27, 37. Adding 10 each time.


April, June, September and November have 30 days.

3 months are spelt with 8 letters.

There are 4 Mondays in April 2020


15 kilos


Maybe they had a roast dinner with the whole family.


a)      1.20

b)      11.59

c)       12.30 or half past 12

d)      11.59

B and d are the same time.

A is the closest to 1 O’Clock


Sphere’s have no faces, edges or vertices.


4, 40, 400

It is increasing by 10 each time.





Science and D & T


WALT design and make a bird feeder.

To attract more birds into your garden or to your window you can make a bird feeder using recycled materials. Remember to always ask an adult when using scissors and check no one is allergic to certain nuts or seeds. I’d love to hear what birds come to visit you.

Here are some feeder ideas and ingredients that birds enjoy eating to help you get started;

Dry left over bread, cake or oats.

Grated cheese or raisins.

Peanuts or seeds.




Good Morning Y3,

Here is today’s learning.

Spelling/ handwriting 



Play some of these ary spelling games https://www.spellzone.com/word_lists/games-365.htm


Project about a topic of your choice

Edit and continue with the project you started Monday – I can’t wait to read these.


Remember to include subheadings, interesting facts, drawings or photos and technical language (and a glossary to explain these words if needed).


Previously you have learnt about pronouns so please try to include these in this project to avoid using the same noun in our writing.




Follow this link to listen to David Walliams read you one of his stories.


Read with an adult for 15 minutes and Log the book and date in your reading record.



Miss Pringle’s daily fluency


I have put together daily PowerPoints for maths this week. Please read through them and write the answers in your maths books – I will post all of the answers on Friday so you can self mark (sm).

Thursday maths week 1




Digital Imagery


Take a photo of yourself or an object (on a phone or tablet is easiest) and with adult supervision edit the image. You might choose to crop it, add text or animation or change the filter. Ensure you save your original image so that you can see your enhancements. I would love to see some of them.

Here is my example;

Eggciting News! Easter Maths Competition! CLOSING DATE 24th April


The Hertfordshire Maths Team have set an Easter Competition for Years 1 – 6.

Each year group has an Easter problem to solve!

If you are keen to have a go….post your entries by April 24th to your class teachers or Mrs McNamara on year4@popepaul.herts.sch.uk

We look forward to your entry!

Click here for the problems to solve!

From Mrs McNamara

Maths Subject Leader


Good Morning Y3,

Thank you for your hard work so far this week, here are some of the photos and copies of learning I have received. I’m sure you’ll agree everyone’s learning is very impressive!

Postman thank you Handwriting


Here is your learning for today.

Take care, Miss Pringle.

Spelling/ handwriting 



Continue to learn this week’s spelling and explore other words ending in ary on spellzone;




Project about a topic of your choice

Edit and continue with the project you started Monday – I can’t wait to read these.


Remember to include subheadings, interesting facts, drawings or photos and technical language (and a glossary to explain these words if needed).


Previously you have learnt about pronouns so please try to include these in this project to avoid using the same noun in our writing.




Follow this link to listen to David Walliams read you one of his stories.


Read with an adult for 15 minutes and Log the book and date in your reading record.



Miss Pringle’s daily fluency


I have put together daily PowerPoints for maths this week. Please read through them and write the answers in your maths books – I will post all of the answers on Friday so you can self mark (sm).

Wednesday Maths week 1




WALT understand and investigate gravity and flight.


Investigate and write six facts about the force gravity.

Here are some useful websites to help you;




Please complete this investigation on flight in your writing book too – remember to use a ruler if you decide to draw the table.

21.4.20 – learning

Good Morning Y3,

Well done for completing yesterdays learning – It has been lovely to receive your emails and pictures – thank you and keep up the good work.

Here is today’s learning:

Fitness and health I hope you enjoyed some of these activities yesterday, today please choose two different activities from the link below  and remember these can be completed inside your home or  in the garden. Enjoy.



Spelling/ handwriting 


Remember to use the guidelines and use my example to check the correct letter formation.


Completing sentences that include words ending in ary.

Open this link

and copy the sentences out into your handwriting book with the missing spelling ending in ary. Take a 2 minute break after writing five of the sentences so that your handwriting stays as neat as possible please.




Continue your project

Continue with the project you started yesterday – I can’t wait to read these.

Remember to include subheadings, interesting facts, drawings or photos and technical language (and a glossary to explain these words if needed).

Previously you have learnt about pronouns so please try to include these in this project to avoid using the same noun in our writing.

Here’s an example:

Dog project example

Reading  Follow this link to listen to David Walliams read you one of his stories. I hope you enjoyed Stacey Superstar yesterday – I know I did.


Read with an adult for 15 minutes and Log the book and date in your reading record.



Miss Pringle’s daily fluency


I have put together daily PowerPoints for maths this week. Please read through them and write the answers in your maths books – I will post all of the answers on Friday so you can self mark (sm).

Tuesday-Maths week 1

RE Start by reading this prayer and then complete one of these activities to celebrate Easter.

God of truth, fill us with your Spirit and strengthen our faith, so that we may not doubt your love for us. Give us courage to spread your peace throughout the world. 


Build a Lego model to help you retell the Easter story to someone.


Create Easter stones to spread the Good News while on one of your daily walks – maybe leave on a neighbour’s doorstep if you are self isolating or save it for our prayer table at school.

20.4.20 – learning

Good Morning,

I hope you all had a lovely Easter break. Please find below today’s learning and remember if you have any questions or want to share your learning with me, please email me on year3@popepaul.herts.sch.uk.

Miss Pringle

Fitness and health Kick start your day with active kids – choose two of the activities from this link to complete – activities can be completed inside your home or  in the garden. Enjoy.


Spelling/ handwriting 


Copy the 10 spelling  into your handwriting books four times.


Remember to use the guidelines and use my example to check the correct letter formation.


Words ending in ary.













Project about a topic of your choice

Choose a topic of your choice (for example an animal, hobby, sport, musician, place or person) and each day this week write a paragraph about it.


Remember to include subheadings, interesting facts, drawings or photos and technical language (and a glossary to explain these words if needed).


Previously you have learnt about pronouns so please try to include these in this project to avoid using the same noun in our writing.

Here’s an example to get you started:

Dog project example



David Walliams has been kindly recording free daily audio stories  – please follow this link to enjoy today’s story.


Read with an adult for 15 minutes and Log the book and date in your reading record.



Miss Pringle’s daily fluency


I have put together daily PowerPoints for maths this week. Please read through them and write the answers in your maths books – I will post all of the answers on Friday so you can self mark (sm).

Monday Maths week 1





WALT learning to sketch a cherry blossom.


The cherry blossom trees looks beautiful at the moment so I thought you might enjoy learning how to draw them – maybe you could draw them on cards to send to friends and family.

Using this tutorial please sketch and shade a picture of a cherry blossom – using coloured pencils if possible in order to blend colours.



Start the video at 1 min 30 secs (if at school an adult will need to play and pause the video for you on the classroom board).


Message From Francesca Khaliq at Our Lady and St Vincent Church

Holy Week Quiz for FRHC. Primary School (Key Stage 2).FK.01.04.2020

Holy Week Quiz Younger Children (Key stage 1).Fk.01.04.20

Message from Francesca Khaliq at Our Lady and St Vincent Church

Dear families,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well during this unsettling time.

As it is Holy Week next week I am attaching some quizzes for the children to do, there is one for key Stage 1 (reception to Year 2) and Key Stage 2 (Year 3 to Year 6). Entries will need to be sent back to Deacon Axcel by Tuesday 14th April at  pbalpha@rcdow.org.uk, so just put the answers into an email, or you can print the quiz and fill it in and post them to the parish, whatever is easier for you. Axcel will put all the names into a hat and pick a winner, the prize is a £20 voucher, so worth having a go, please encourage them to take part; the answers will be emailed out when the winner is announced.  There is a quiz for older children in secondary school (Key Stage 3), you can request this quiz by emailing pbalpha@rcdow.org.uk and Deacon Axcel will email it to you, there are £20 gift vouchers for the winner of each of the three quizzes.

It is wonderful that we have the capability of live streaming (remember you can access our live streaming by logging on to our website olasv.org.uk and clicking on live streaming link) but sad to see the benches empty without all our wonderful parishioners. So we would like you all to send a photo of your family so Fr Shaun and Deacon Axcel can print them out and stick them on the benches in church, so we are all there together. So please take a family photo and email it to pbalpha@rcdow.org.uk

I have prepared a Children’s Liturgy for the children to do on Good Friday at home, all the information has been emailed to parents via schoolcomms, there is a run through and 3 attachments for the liturgy, have a read through and see if you can spend some time with the children to do this on Good Friday. Please don’t feel obliged to do it all if you can’t or if you don’t have the resources but have a look before Friday to see if you can get anything ready in advance, you will just need access to a laptop/IPad or mobile to watch the videos and access the music.

I pray that you and your families keep safe and well during this time.

God bless


Francesca Khaliq

Catechetical Co-ordinator

Our Lady & St Vincent