PE snakes and ladder fun

Good Morning,

I hope you are all well. I thought you might like to try this PE version of snakes and ladders with your family instead of (or in addition to – if you’re feeling super fit!) joining Joe Wicks this morning. There are many different challenges included. All you need is a dice, appropriate clothing, water and a safe space. Enjoy and send me some pictures of you having fun if possible.

Love Miss Pringle

pe snakes and ladders

Thursday 2nd April 2020 – learning

Good Morning Y3,


I hope you are all well. Here is today’s learning;

Don’t forget to check out the new Snakes and Ladders PE lesson I have uploaded on our class page – enjoy!



Choose five different words from this list to practice and copy them out four times.

accident, accidentally, actual, actually, address, answer,

appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe, build, busy, business.


English activities have been set.


Read for 10 minutes and record what you have read in your reading record.


Please put the short date into your maths book along with the title Fluency 


Here are your 6 fluency questions to copy and complete – remember to put one digit in one square. 




Mathletic tasks have been set for Thursday and Friday – please complete the assigned fluency tasks for these days first and then log onto mathletics to complete the online activities.


Art Using your own paper or paper from your art book (take the middle  pages out only please) create a poster or picture to display in your window that might cheer up a key worker on their way to work or someone passing by in their car.

A lot of children around the country are doing this – see if you can spot any from your window.





Wednesday 1st April – 2020

Good Morning Y3,


I hope you are all well. Here is today’s learning;




Choose five different words from this list to practice and copy them out four times.

calendar, caught, centre, century, certain, circle, complete, consider, continue, decide, describe, different, difficult, disappear, early.



WALT: use commas for lists.

1)      Write a shopping list in one sentence, using commas to separate the items in the list.

Here is a sentence starter:

At the shop, we need to buy:

2)      Punctuate these sentences with commas in the lists.

a) From the market, Gabriela bought three bananas a bunch of grapes and some ham.

b) Alfie’s recipe needed two eggs plain flour and sugar.

c) Charlie tidied up his cars his clothes his art set and his books.

d) In Monica’s money box, she had some pound coins twenty pence pieces five pence pieces and pennies.

e) In Ms Varga’s baby’s cot there was a rattle a dummy and a soft toy.

f) Last night Mrs Heymoz ate a pie some chips and a pudding.



Read for 10 minutes and record what you have read in your reading record.


Please put the short date into your maths book along with the title Fluency 


Here are your 6 fluency questions to copy and complete – remember to put one digit in one square. 




Mathletic tasks have been set for Thursday and Friday – please complete the assigned fluency tasks for these days first and then log onto mathletics to complete the online activities.




WALT follow the stations of the cross.


In your English book (lined paper), draw a picture of the First Station surrounded by these keywords : condemned, Jesus, Pilate, Crucify Him! alone, death.



Tuesday 31st March 2020 – learning

Good Morning Y3,


Here is today’s learning;


Spelling/ handwriting 


Copy and complete these sentences using yesterdays spelling words into your handwriting books.

Remember to use the guidelines and use my example to check the correct letter formation.


I _____that flavour of ice cream.


It is wrong to __________your parents.


The bag began to _________as it was left in the sun.


I watched the archaeologist __________a new relic.


“I saw it ________before my eyes!” screeched Clara.


The _______child was never believed again.


The referee chose to ________the questionable goal.


I began to _______the story she was telling me.


Dad may ________of my decision to stay out late.


The shop had decided to _______my favourite crisps.




Using this picture and writing support (optional) write a descriptive paragraph.

Remember to include commas for lists, interesting sentence starters, adjectives and a variety of conjunctions.





Read for 10 minutes and record what you have read in your reading record.


Please put the short date into your maths book along with the title Fluency 


Here are your 6 fluency questions to copy and complete – remember to put one digit in one square. 








Once you have completed these tasks please go to one of the following sites and practice your timetables.

Multiplication Tables Check – Mathsframe

This activity exactly mirrors the ‘Multiplication Tables Check’ that will be given to children at the end of Year 4. They are tested on their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12.




WALT make careful observations and identify similarities and differences.


Come up with as many similarities and differences as you can.

Think about:

  • appearance
  • what they are doing
  • where they might live

Decide which one the odd one is out and explain why.




Monday 30th March 2020 – learning

Good Morning Y3,


I hope you are all well. Here is today’s learning;


Spelling/ handwriting 


Copy the 10  spelling  into your handwriting books four times.


Remember to use the guidelines and use my example to check the correct letter formation.


The prefix dis


dislike, disobey, discolour, discover, disappear, dishonest, disallow, disbelieve, disapprove, discontinue.



Continue this story.

Remember to include commas for lists, adjectives and a variety of conjunctions.



Brian had often bought things from the market that had turned out to be the most outrageous, disappointing fakes.

He had presumed that the magic biscuits would have been exactly the same.

How wrong he had been…



Read for 10 minutes and record what you have read in your reading record.


Please put the short date into your maths book along with the title Fluency 


Here are your 6 fluency questions to copy and complete – remember to put one digit in one square. 








Once you have completed these tasks please go to one of the following sites and practice your timetables.

Multiplication Tables Check – Mathsframe

This activity exactly mirrors the ‘Multiplication Tables Check’ that will be given to children at the end of Year 4. They are tested on their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12.




Please complete in your small plain paper book.



Research the artist Roy Lichtenstein, write a few interesting facts about him and his art then recreate one of his pictures or draw your own picture in his style. Use this website to help you.

Hello Y3

Dear Y3,

I hope you are all well and keeping safe. I just wanted to say hello and thank you for sending me photos of your learning – you have been very busy. It is very strange not being in class with you all but  remember you can share your news or learning with me via email. The fish are well and our caterpillars are unrecognizable (see the photo below!).

Here are some of the photos I have received this week and some I took at school on Monday and Tuesday.

Have a restful weekend,

Miss Pringle




Friday 27th March – learning

Good Morning Y3,

I hope you are all well. Here is today’s learning;

PE with Joe Wicks





Choose five different words from this list to practice and copy them out four times.

accident, accidentally, actual, actually, address, answer,

appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe, build, busy, business.




Please go to and choose three activities of your choice based on the picture prompt today.


Read for 10 minutes and record what you have read in your reading record.


Please put the short date into your maths book along with the title Fluency 


Here are your 6 fluency questions to copy and complete – remember to put one digit in one square. 




Mathletic tasks have been set for Thursday and Friday – please complete the assigned fluency tasks for these days first and then log onto mathletics to complete the online activities.


Art Using your own paper or paper from your art book (take the middle  pages out only please) create a picture to display in your window to cheer up a passing key worker or someone taking their daily exercise. A lot of children around the country are doing this – see if you can spot any from your window.

Thursday 26th March – learning

Good Morning Y3,


I hope you are all well. Here is today’s learning;

Here is the link to your daily PE lesson with Joe Wick

It is a great way to start your day!



Choose five different words from this list to practice and copy them out four times.

accident, accidentally, actual, actually, address, answer,

appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe, build, busy, business.




Please go to and choose three activities of your choice based on the picture prompt today.


Read for 10 minutes and record what you have read in your reading record.


Please put the short date into your maths book along with the title Fluency 


Here are your 6 fluency questions to copy and complete – remember to put one digit in one square. 




Mathletic  (statistic) tasks have been set for Thursday and Friday – please complete the assigned fluency tasks for these days first and then log onto mathletics to complete the online activities.



Write and illustrate a prayer in your writing books.



Write your own prayer in your writing book. This could be based on the Wednesday word that was sent home, it could be for your family, for those who are ill or isolating or for those helping others at this difficult time.



Wednesday 25th March – learning

Good Morning Y3,


I hope you are all well. Here is today’s learning;




Choose five words from this list of Y3 statutory spelling to practice and copy them out four times.

accident, accidentally, actual, actually, address, answer,

appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe, build, busy, business.




Please go to and choose three activities of your choice based on the picture prompt today.


Read for 10 minutes and record what you have read in your reading record.


Please put the short date into your maths book along with the title Fluency 


Here are your 6 fluency questions to copy and complete – remember to put one digit in one square. 








Once you have completed these tasks please go to one of the following sites and practice your timetables.

Multiplication Tables Check – Mathsframe

This activity exactly mirrors the ‘Multiplication Tables Check’ that will be given to children at the end of Year 4. They are tested on their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12.


Mini beast hunt – in your garden only.




If this isn’t possible please research, label and sketch, the life cycle of a butterfly – most of caterpillars in our class are chrysalis now!

Go into your garden and search for mini beasts.

Record what you find in a table drawn into your writing book.

Name Observational  drawing Number of legs. Number of wings Where


Tuesday 24th March 2020 – learning

Good Morning Y3,


Here is today’s learning;


Spelling/ handwriting 


Copy and complete these sentences using yesterdays spelling words into your handwriting books.

Remember to use the guidelines and use my example to check the correct letter formation.


People often ______my name.

It is wrong to _________others.

What sort of person could _______ an animal?

I try my best not to _______ in class.

There was an element of _________in the room.

The newspaper apologised for the ______________.

You should not ________ dangerous substances.

I often __________my keys.

“I think you must have _______me”, explained John.

I ___________ the instructions and my cake didn’t rise.



Please go to and choose two activities of your choice based on the picture prompt today – excluding picture perfect.


Read for 10 minutes and record what you have read in your reading record.


Please put the short date into your maths book along with the title Fluency 


Here are your 6 fluency questions to copy and complete – remember to put one digit in one square. 








Once you have completed these tasks please go to one of the following sites and practice your timetables.

Multiplication Tables Check – Mathsframe

This activity exactly mirrors the ‘Multiplication Tables Check’ that will be given to children at the end of Year 4. They are tested on their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12.



Finding out about different artists



Please research Banksy, with an adult. Write four facts about him into your

art book and them draw picture or two in his style.