Year 3 Week 2 Friday 15th November

We wish to start by expressing how proud we are of the children and their assembly today.

Thank you so much for supporting your children in learning their lines.
They enjoyed a chocolate biscuit as a treat after.


On Monday morning, the school gathered in the hall for 2 minutes silence before beginning our pilgrimage through the classrooms to look at all the remembrance displays. They used this time to reflect and pray for all the lives lost. Thank you for the memorial cards and pictures sent in, they were added to our classroom display.


In preparation of how we remember and wait for the birth of Jesus, the children have been looking at how they can prepare for a special event. They had a Q&A session with Deacon Shaun about how he prepared for becoming a Priest and discussed what it feels like to wait for something.


This week the children have been learning how to subtract 1’s across a 10 and then 10’s across a 100.

The children will be learning about Length and Perimeter on Thursdays/ Fridays. This week they measured in mm, cm and m. They found so much around our classroom to measure. They enjoyed Miss Sowden taking their measurements in height so we can use it to compare and order in a few lessons time.

We are down to our last tissue box and would appreciate any donations please and thank you. 🙂


We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,

                                                    Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie

Mon, Tu & Wed        Th & Fr



Spelllingshed – dis-

Mathletics: measuring length, place value and partitioning renaming.


Year 3 Week 1 Friday 8th November

Welcome to the second half of the autumn term. It was lovely to see the children return all refreshed and ready to learn.

In RE the children have been looking at the Preferential Option for the Poor and what they can do to help. They discussed how Jesus shows a preferential option for the poor by putting them first. The children then went on create their own Advent giving calendar.

In English this week, the children started their new unit on a book called Tuesday. They spent the week making predictions and sequencing the story using pictures in small groups.



The children have been learning to add and subtract by spotting patterns, adding 1s across a 10 e.g. 273+3 and adding 10s across a 100 barrier e.g. 690+80

We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to seeing you at our class assembly on Friday 15th November,

Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
Mon, Tu & Wed Th & Fr


Please support your child to learn their assembly lines which have been stapled to their reading records today.

Reading: daily reading school or home books.
Spellings: Words with the prefix ‘re-‘
Maths: Mathletics has been set to support mental fluency with addition and subtraction.


Please see below the autumn term letter for RHE.

Life to the Full Plus letters to parents Years 3 and 4


Week 8 25th October 2024

One World Week

This week our focus has been on Nigeria, the children have taken part in some engaging, creative and practical activities. They have located Nigeria on a map, and understand that Abuja is it’s capital. They also explored some of Nigeria’s landscape facts.

At the beginning of the week, the children made their own Nigerian flags using collage. They then went onto to explore Cafod, and how their work supports Nigeria.

Towards the end of the week, the children explored Nigerian musician Burna Boy and listened to some of his songs. We discussed how he uses his platform to speak truth to shine a light on issues affecting people in Nigeria and around the world.

Year 3 have enjoyed learning about Nigeria this week, they have had lots to say and thrown themselves into all of the activities that were on offer! Additional information can be found here-


We wish to thank you for your continued support with your child’s learning this half term and wish you a safe and happy half-term holiday.
We look forward to welcoming you all back on Tuesday 5th November.

Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
Mon, Tu & Wed        Th & Fr


  • Year 3 assembly Friday 15th November at 9:15am.
  • Homelearning is not set during the school holidays but Mathletics and Spellingshed users are still active.
  • Reading books to be in school every day please.

Year 3 Week 7 Friday 18th October


This week the children showed a respectful and prayerfulness atmosphere when they participated in a meditation. They focused on the nature of our world and where they feel they can find and feel God.


The children worked hard in their end of unit quiz and began to explore their new unit on addition and subtraction. They started with revising their number bonds to ten and seeking links to number bonds to 100 before recapping on methods to add and subtract single ones in three-digit numbers.


The children explored their Fantastic Mr. Fox unit further by selecting appropriate vocabulary to describe him and began to use a range of conjunctions to join their sentences. They applied their fantastic descriptive language when constructed wanted posters.


This week the children got out their muscles! They enjoyed flexing and using the scientific language to explain what happens to muscles and why they are needed. They then looked at diet and nutrition and how this is needed to support and strengthen them.


  • Please book parent consultations for Tuesday 22nd October or Thursday 24th October
  • Reading books to be in school every day please.
  • Fri 15th Nov 9.15am Year 3 Class Assembly
    All are welcome to come!


We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,

Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
   Mon, Tu & Wed        Th & Fr


Reading: Expectation is to read with your child for 20 mins a day and comment in the logbook.

Spellings: Edshed activity has been set ‘ture

Maths: Mathletics activities set are compare to 100’


*Additional* Please may you bring in a family/ child photo and a brief description of where your family come from and what the culture is like there? We are trying to build up a world map of where our class comes from.

Thank you for those that have already come in!

Week 6 w.b. 11th October


This week the children recapped their learning from Key Stage One about what The Holy Trinity means. They identified biblical stories that represent God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. They then looked at different symbols representing The Holy Trinity and used a zone of relevance to organise which one they believed represented the Trinity the best.


The children are coming to the end of their unit on place value and will be using their knowledge to in addition and subtraction net week. This week they were able to compare and order numbers to 1000 and count in 50s.


The children used hot seating to explore the thoughts and actions of a character. We read some more of the story and the children worked in small groups to ask each other questions. They then began to read Chapter 2 and select adjectives to describe Mr.Fox and The Farmers.


This week the children built on their knowledge of the skeleton by looking at joints. They identified two different joint types – hinge and ball-and-socket joints. They were able to name the hips, elbows, knees, shoulder joints, and decide whether these are examples of hinge or ball – and – socket joints.


This week the children explored a series of rolls. They had to use their space effectively and create a sequence of rolls and balances.


  • Reading books to be in school every day please.


We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,

Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
   Mon, Tu & Wed        Th & Fr



Reading: Expectation is to read with your child for 20 mins a day and comment in the logbook.

Spellings: Edshed activity has been set ‘sure’

Maths: Mathletics activities set are ‘Place Value 1 and 2’


*Additional* Please may you bring in a family/ child photo and a brief description of where your family come from and what the culture is like there? We are trying to build up a world map of where our class comes from. 

Year 3 Week 5 Friday 4th October


This week the children looked at Biblical metaphors and discussed that because we cannot see or touch God we use the world around us for people and things that are, in some way, like him. The children came up with their own metaphors of what God is like for them.

Rooted in Love lesson- Our focus in on Creation this half term. We joined Year 4 and learnt all about how the world is gifted to us by God and we shared ideas of how we can appreciate that gift.


The children finished drafting their final pieces this week and spent a lot of time and effort writing them up in neat. Their drawings are nearly finished and will then be displayed to match their writing.

The children will be reading and learning about Fantastic Mr Fox and are welcome to bring in their home copies to read in class.


The children worked well to identify 1 , 10 or 100 more and less of given numbers and had to really think about which digit needs to change.
They also revisited number lines but they went all the way up to 1000 in different intervals. They worked well to explore what they think it went up in.


In PE this week the children were demonstrating different, graceful ways of getting from the floor to the ground and vice versa. They also looked at how they can perform symmetrically and asymmetrically.



  • Reading books to be in school every day please.


We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,

Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
Mon, Tu & Wed        Th & Fr




Reading: Expectation is to read with your child for 20 mins a day and comment in the logbook.

Spellings: Edshed activity has been set ‘Words where the digraph ‘y’ makes an /i/ sound’

Maths: Mathletics activities set are ‘Place Value 1 and Model numbers’


Please may you bring in a family/ child photo and a brief description of where your family come from and what the culture is like there?
We are trying to build up a world map of where our class comes from.


As mentioned in the Newsletter email-

This week your children should come home with a Christmas Card design sheet in their bags. This is for our annual Christmas card project run by Emma Linden on behalf of FOPPS. Please send your child’s design back into school by next Friday 11th October. Christmas cards with their design will be able to be purchased later on in the term. We shall organise a design collection box by the back door in the KS2 playground. Please do not give the design in to the office.

Year 3 Week 4 Friday 27th September


On Wednesday afternoon, the children were preparing to retell the story of Moses and the Burning Bush. They enjoyed listening to the story and having Deacon Sean in to share the session with us. They also learnt that the main character in this story is a man called MOSES and we produced a mind map of what we already know about him.


The children have continued to explore numbers within 100 this week and worked hard placing them on a number line. They challenged themselves to go beyond and started to count in multiples of 100. They then went on to partition numbers to 100 using the same method as we shared last week.


The children loved watching the whole of our story this week and worked well to collect alliteration and rhyming language. They have even started to plan and draft their final pieces so watch this space next week!


This week the children looked at animals without a spine. They also learnt that an animal without a spine has an exoskeleton, which is there to protect it. They labelled diagrams and were able to identify and compare which animals have a spine and which ones have an exoskeleton.


In PE this week the children were focusing on holding balances with good control and finding ways of moving out of one balance and into another.



  • There is no need for chalk pens or sharpies in their pencil cases thank you.
  • Please have reading books in school every single day. It’s challenging to hear every child read without these.

 We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,

Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
   Mon, Tu & Wed        Th & Fr



Reading: Expectation is to read with your child for 20 mins a day and comment in the logbook.

Spellings: Edshed activity has been set
Words where the digraph ‘ou’ makes an /u/ sound’
Week two ‘ou’ when it makes ‘u’ e.g. touch.

Maths: Please log on to Mathletics and then let us know if you need a user reminder.
We have set the activity ‘Numberline’ to complete.


Year 3 Week 2 13th September

Year 3 Week 2 Friday 13th September
Our first full week in Year 3!

Apologies for teacher sickness and for having to reschedule
*Meet the teacher meeting on Thursday 19th September at 8:45am*

The focus this week was on Apostle Paul. The children discussed the role of the Apostles as messengers and considered how we can be messengers of faith in our own lives. They also made their own faith journeys of ways they can share their faith, just like Paul.


The children enjoyed exploring their first story unit called ‘The black hat’. They role played during the drama lessons and showed fantastic expression to help them understand the character.

P.E. days are Tuesday and Friday
This week the children had their first introduction to PE. They enjoyed being back in the hall and using the space outside. They focused on how to use the space independently, follow instructions, listening out for the whistle and how to keep themselves and others safe. The topics for this half term are Gymnastics and Invasion Games.


• Year 3 curriculum, expectations and home learning will be fully shared at the Meet the teacher meeting on Thursday Friday 19th September at 8:45am. Slides will be uploaded to the class page after the session.
• Please provide your children with a morning snack if they would like and a water bottle daily.
• We welcome boxes of tissues please.
• We would also like any unwanted houseplants to enhance our classroom environment please. Thank you for the donations so far! We will share a picture soon as the children recommend we also draw pictures to display too.

We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,
Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
M, T & W and  Th & F

We look forward to when full attendance allows us to update our whole class pictures.

Welcome to the Autumn Term Year 3


Hello and welcome to the autumn term in Year 3. 

The children enjoyed their first few days back and welcomed two new children to our class.

The children were excited to explore their new seats, books, resources and navigating the stairs up! They worked well to write and share recounts of their summer break.

The children studied our mission prayer to fully understand what we mean when we say it daily and shared fantastic ideas on the qualities we show.
They transformed the R.E. learning and reflection space to reflect our new year. They were amazing at untangling the fairy lights!


  • P.E. days starting next week: Tuesday and Friday to come in full P.E. kits for outside P.E.
  • Please provide your children with a morning snack if they would like and a water bottle daily.
  • Year 3 curriculum, expectations and home learning will be fully shared at the Meet the teacher meeting on Friday 13th September at 8:45am. Slides will be uploaded to the class page Friday afternoon.
  • We welcome boxes of tissues please.
  • We would also like any unwanted houseplants to enhance our classroom environment please.

We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,

Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
Mon, Tu & Wed                 Th & Fr

We look forward to next week when full attendance will allow us to update our class pictures.