Spring 1, Week 6

As part of our History topic – communication – we have learnt about Morse code, telegrams and how Carrier Pigeons were used to send messages during WWI. After half term we will be writing and sending letters and finding out who invented the first telephone. Please could you send in a first class stamp by the 22nd February so we can post our letters.

In maths we have been collecting and reading data in tally charts, block graphs and picturegraphs.

As part of our gymnastics unit, we have been jumping , turning, balancing and travelling on different equipment. I am very pleased with the how much progress the children have made in this area and how sensibly they use the equipment. We have also learnt some new playground team games and have enjoyed using the new netball posts on the KS1 playground.

Please ensure you read over the half term.

Have a lovely holiday

Miss Pringle

Spring 1, Week 5

We have been busy exploring capacity in Maths this week. Next week we will be learning about different graphs and tables.

I hope you enjoyed celebrating your child’s shark writing with them. They have worked very hard researching, editing and illustrating their books.

In PE we have explored travelling over, across and between different apparatus.

Home learning

To celebrate the Queens Platinum Anniversary please create a learning poster on A4 paper, that includes facts about the Queen and her reign. Please write in a pencil and decorate with pictures.

Please read over the weekend.

Miss Pringle

Spring 1 Week 4

We enjoyed learning about Hinduism the week as part of Other Faith Week. We visited the Oshwal Centre, Jain temple on Wednesday and learnt the story of Rama and Sita, which we will retell next week. The children’s Hindu home learning projects are fantastic.

In Gymnastics we have been learning to travel, balance and turn in different ways. This week we have performed these skills on equipment, which was a lot of fun!

We have learnt how to independently log on to Mathletics and complete estimation and ordering activities. Next week we will be looking at capacity in Maths. Our non-fiction shark writing is nearly ready for display – their enthusiasm has been reflected in their writing.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Mathletics activities have been set.

Spelling Year 2, rule 14. Please complete the activities https://spellingframe.co.uk/

Reading – please read to an adult each day this weekend.


Spring 1, Week 3

This week we revisited ordering and comparing numbers, using number lines and  > < and  symbols. We discussed why certain numbers could or could not to placed in certain places, using mathematical language. We also used equipment to prove our answers.

In English, we have continued creating where, when, how, what and why questions to research about sharks. Next week we will be editing our writing and starting to write our own non fiction books.

In RE, we thought about where we see God and how people show that they have God’s presence. On Wednesday we are going on our trip to the Oshwal centre as part of other faith week. Please see the whole school home learning task.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home Learning

Spelling frame, Year 2, spelling rule 13. https://spellingframe.co.uk/


Mathletics – ordering and comparing activities have been set.

Reading comprehension http://www.studyladder.co.uk

Whole school RE 220121 Whole-school RE learning letter – Hinduism

Spring 1 Week 2

This week has gone very quickly!

In Religion we have discussed where we see God in the world around us; answers included creation, our friends, family and our school community.

We have started a non fiction unit in English all about sharks! Creating our own what, where, when, how and why questions, that we are going to investigate next week. Please see the home learning activity that will support your child’s learning next learning.

We have been learning to touch type in computing using https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr 

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During Maths we have been exploring the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction as well as finding different amounts of money.

Our Design and Technology project has been a lot of fun this week. We children have learnt to classify, peel, chop and prepare a wide variety of different fruits and vegetables. We also took part in a sensory lesson, where we described each fruit and vegetables texture, smell, taste and appearance. Later on in the week, we prepared fruit kebabs for ourselves and a Year 1 child to enjoy as a healthy snack. Next week we will evaluate our fruit kebabs.

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Your child has an A4 sheet in their bag that includes their passwords for spelling frame, Mathletics, google classroom, letterjoin and study ladder.

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Pringle

Home learning

https://login.mathletics.com/Three Mathletics activities have been set.

https://spellingframe.co.uk/ Year 2, Spelling Rule 12 – Adding –ed, –ing, –er and –est to a root word ending in –y


Shark research – please write down five interesting facts about sharks to share in class.

Spring 1 Week 1

Happy New Year and welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. It has been lovely hearing the children’s news.

On Thursday, we celebrated the Feast of Epiphany by thinking of gifts we can share with others, many of the children chose the gift of friendship, peace and kindness. We also learnt about the meanings of the gifts that the wise men gave to Jesus and made a whole class RE display.

PE this term will be on Tuesday and Thursday. 

Home Learning

Spelling – using the suffixes ment, less and ful










Please return any school library books at you might have at home and ensure our child’s reading book and record are in on their reading day next week. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle


Merry Christmas

We have had a great last week in Year 2, filled with joy! The children have been busy making Christmas cards and calendars. They also enjoyed Christmas lunch and performing their Nativity play for the parents.

Thank you for the generous gifts for the adults in class.

Have a restful and happy Christmas

Miss Pringle


Autumn 2 Week 6

This week we enjoyed watching the reception children’s play and also performing our Nativity play for the rest of the school, we can’t wait to perform to you all next week.

In Maths, we have used doubles and near doubles to add  two numbers.

6 + 6 = 12

6 + 7 is 1 more than 12.

6 + 5 is 1 less than 12.

In Religion, the children have written wonderful recounts of the Nativity Story. Next week we will be writing them in neat for display.

Today, there was lots of excitement in assembly when we saw Father Christmas on the big screen in the staff room! Later we met him and he gave us each a box of chocolates. We had a great time at our class Christmas party; dancing, singing and eating party food.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Spelling https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/81/4-The-s-sound-spelt-c-before-e-i-and-y

Please follow the link above, press play game and then practise doubling.
Please read with an adult over the weekend.

Autumn 2, Week 4


We have been very busy in R.E.  this week, preparing  for Advent. Our prayer table has changed to purple and we have made Advent wreath pictures, Advent promises and a class Advent calendar, where behind each window is a prayer written by the children. We have also been practising our reading, acting and songs for the Nativity play.

I have been impressed with the children’s use of conjunctions in their writing this week.

In Maths, we have been rebalancing calculations to make them easier, for example; 9 + 7 = 10 + 6 and 11 + 7 = 10 + 8.

The children have also been developing their mathematical explanations and strategies.

In PE, we have learnt the different karate blocks, while in tag rugby we have begun passing and small sided tag games.

Miss Pringle

Home Learning

Learn readings and songs for the Nativity play. The Story of Christmas- songs

Song words attached – https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/79/2-The-sound-spelt-as-ge-and-dge-at-the-end-of-word



Have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Pringle