Summer 2 Week 3

This week we have continued learning about healthy living. Children have took part in activities at lunchtime. They have been tasting water with different fruits in, trying to catch a apple with their mouths and running activities. The children designed posters to encourage people to be active and to drink more water.

In Maths we have been counting objects in twos, fives and tens. We have been solving problems using repeated addition and multiplication sentences.

In Religion the children listen to the story The Good Samaritan and sketched beautiful pictures of the story which they will paint next week.

The children were very respectful in mass this morning and sang beautifully. They showed wonderful reverence in the procession of the Blessed Sacrament.

Homework– Mathletics


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey




Summer 2 Week 2

This week was Health Eating Week. We have been learning about the importance of being healthy. We have designed a healthy breakfast, learnt about eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day We have also learnt it is important to to drink lots of water, to be active and to sleep well.

In Religion we have been learning about the story ‘The Conversion of Paul.’ The children acted out the story and then sequenced it. They talked about how we can learn from Paul and spread Jesus’ message by the way we act.

In Literacy we have been learning about instructions . We followed instructions and then gave instructions to each other.

In Art we painted pictures of things we like to do with our dads.

Have a lovely Father’s Day!


Mrs Carey


Summer 2nd Half- Week 1

A busy week back after half term! In Religion we have been learning about the story of Pentecost. The children acted out the story, made hats and flames. Then they retold the story.

In Maths we have been comparing numbers and finding the difference using resources and drawing pictures.

In Science we planted sunflower seeds and lettuce and we have been learning about how we can help them to grow. The children observe their seeds each day to see if they have grown.


Have a lovely weekend


Mrs Carey


Week 5

We began the week with an assembly to begin Spirituality Week. The theme was ‘Meeting Jesus’ The children placed a host on a large host to create a lovely display showing We are one Body. On Monday we created a dance with a song about being with Jesus. On Tuesday we went into the hall and took part in different activities, reflecting on being with Jesus and talking to Jesus. On Wednesday we looked at a picture of Jesus on a train and discussed what the picture was telling us.


On Tuesday morning we were all excited but shocked to see a crime scene in our classroom. Mummy bear’s bowl of porridge has gone missing and a chair had been knocked over. The children were fantastic at looking for evidence and interviewing adults in the school. After a hard day of work the children solved the problem and managed to get a confession. After listening to Mrs Theo’s story, we realised it was an accident. Mummy Bear’s bowl of porridge is back in the class. We have some great detectives in the class!

On Friday it was lovely to welcome you all into the class to enjoy your child’s learning.

Whole School Home Learning – St Paul

Find out about St Paul, one of the leaders of the first generations of Christians who spread the word

about Christianity. Pope Paul VI chose to be named after this saint.

Create one piece of learning from your research; here are some ideas of ways you can present your findings.

  • Make a fact file about his life.
  • Retell one of many stories about his life, for example his conversion on the road to Damascus
  • Create a piece of art work about St Paul,for example sketch a drawing of him or paint a picture of one of the stories of his life.
  • Draw a map of the journeys of St Paul.
  • Make a poster about St Paul.
  • Make a scroll copying out one of his letters.
  • Interpret some of his writing using art, for example, interpret his writings about the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
  • Create a model of an object that could be used as a symbol of St Paul, for example, a horse, a tent, a scroll.

These are some suggestions but you may have your own ideas and we look forward to sharing your learning. Bring your creations into school during the first week back and by Friday 7th June 2019 at the latest.

Have a wonderful holiday!

Mrs Carey


Week 4

This week we have been learning about plants in Science. We went on a walk around the school to see what plants we could see.

We made and labelled our own plants. The children enjoyed getting our class garden ready to plant some sunflowers.

In Religion we acted out the story of the Ascension.

In English the children have written some excellent invitations to

Cinderella’s ball. Also they have been using fantastic adjectives to

describe Cinderella in their wanted posters.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Carey

Week 3

Today we took part in a beautiful procession to remember Our Lady. The children placed flowers around Mary in our Peace Garden.

In class we took part in  an Act of Worship thinking about Mary then we made crowns with flowers.

The children loved developing their mapping skills. They worked in pairs to follow a map to find different flags in the playground. Great teamwork!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Week 2

The week began with a talk on how to look after pets. The children shared great ideas and listened well.

In Maths we continued adding numbers using Think 10. The children have worked practically to show when we are adding, we make 10 first and then add on the rest. This helps us when we add mentally.

In English we have been learning the story The Little Red Hen. The children learnt actions to retell the story and then in groups they made story maps to sequence the story.

On Wednesday we had our first swimming lesson. I was so proud of the children! They got dressed quickly and listened well to the swimming teachers.


Have a lovely weekend!


Mrs Carey


Summer Term Week 1

I hope you had a lovely holiday. It was great to see the children back!

The children’s Easter gardens look wonderful! They are all in our international garden if you would like to look at their amazing creations.

We began the week by listening to the story of the Resurrection from Luke’s Gospel. The children wrote wonderful poems about the story. The children enjoyed an arts and crafts afternoon, we made butterflies and then went into Reception and made colourful eggs.

In Maths we have been adding numbers to 10 using ‘Think 5’. The children worked really well in groups to solve a problem involving position and direction.

On Tuesday it was St George’s Day. We learnt about St George and wrote some facts files. The children made flags of England. On Friday the children led the assembly about St George. They were fantastic!

Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey


Week 12

What a great term we have had in Year 1! The children have been

working very hard!

On Tuesday KS1 lead a Act of Worship, the children were very

thoughtful and reverent. We were very proud of them.

In English, we have been learning about poetry. We read some lovely poems and identified the features in each of the poems. The children wrote lovely poems describing different animals.  The children enjoyed playing games to revise the ue and ew sounds.

In Maths, we have been solving lots of problems. We have been using the skills we have learnt to help us to solve word problems.

This week we have been reading the story of Good Friday. The children looked closely at a picture and discussed what they could see and how it made them feel. Then they drew the picture themselves, thinking about how the people looked.

Year 1 will begin swimming next term. It begins on the second Wednesday.

On Friday 26th April, Year 1 will be doing an assembly.


Have a fantastic holiday!


Mrs Carey


Week 11

We have had a fun week of learning! In Maths we have been ordering the days of the week and the months of the year. We have enjoyed singing songs to help us to remember them. Please continue to practise at home.


In English we have been adding the suffixes ed and ing to words and writing sentences. We had fun playing bingo with the new words we had made and matching pairs.

On Monday, we were excited to see a table set up for a feast. We retold the story of the Last Supper through role play. We had bread and juice and thought about how Jesus and his disciples felt. Then we sequenced the photos of our role play and retold the story. We also did some lovely artwork to show the story of the Last Supper.


On Wednesday, Mr Friedlander from Dame Alice Owen did some scientific investigations with us. First we investigated how boats float. We started with a ball of plasticine and tested whether or not it floated. Then we reshaped the plasticine into the shape of a boat. Then we tested our new boats and they floated! We also mixed water with sugar and food colouring to make a rainbow in a bottle. The children observed very closely and describe what happened using scientific vocabulary.

Homework—Mathletics: Days of the Week and Months of the Year.

Spelling—ue and ew sounds


Have a wonderful weekend.


Happy Mother’s Day!


Mrs Carey