Friday 27th March Learning

Good morning Year 1. Well done for your hard work this week. Thank you for the photos of your wonderful learning.

Have a happy and safe weekend.

Mrs Carey

Here is your learning today.



Write the short date in your maths book



Count in tens to 100

Count back from 100 in tens

Fluency – write in your maths book

2, 4, ­­­­_____, 8, 10, ____14

5, 10, ____20, 25, 30, ____, 40

10, 20, 30, ____, 50, 60, ____,80


Mathletics – Do the activities set.

RE Lenten Prayer

Lord, I pray for all those who are having to cope with bereavement. Grant them the strength and courage to face a future that is different from their hopes and dreams. May they find the support they need and some comfort in their grief. Amen.


Spellings/Phonics Write your spellings in your handwriting book.

Practise reading the phase 3 and phase 5 sounds

Play phase 3 and 5 phonics games.

Music Listen to Freilach by the Klezmer Festival Band Click on the link below and listen to the music.

Print this sheet and stick it into your writing book or write the questions and answers in your book about the music.

Listening and appreciating

Reading Read for 10 minutes and talk about what you have read.


password: ilovereading2020

or make your own account.

Go to books, ebooks, click on book band and choose your child’s colour. Choose a book. Remember to read the book a few times over the week and talk about the book. Play the activities linked to the books you read.


Write the date in your writing book .


Our History topic is explorers. Please watch the clip, read the facts and do the activity.

In your writing book write some facts about Christopher Columbus and draw a picture of him.



Thursday 26th March Learning

Good morning Year 1 . I hope you enjoyed the lovely weather yesterday. Thank you for the lovely photos of your learning. Lots of wonderful learning! Please see some at the bottom of this page.

Here is your learning today.

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Carey


Write the short date in your maths book



Count in fives to 100

Count back in fives from 100

Click on the link below. Write the answers in your numeracy book.

Thursday maths

Play some Mathletics games


Write the date in your book


Add the capital letters and full stops into these sentences. The children should try to read these sentences independently. Copy the sentence into your writing book with a capital letter and end with a full stop.

Extension – Can you add an conjunction to the sentences? and but because

Can you add adjectives? beautiful, colourful, dirty


1.     the   dog  ran  to  the  shop

2.    i   skipped     down   the lane

3.    the cat     gave tom a   cuddle

4.    on saturday   I went swimming

5.    sam and   bob went running

6.    it   is sunny today

7.    today   is Wednesday


Play phase 3 and phase 5 games.

Reading Read for 10 minutes and talk about what you have read.

Relaxing time  –


Wednesday 25th March Learning

Good morning Year 1. Thank you for the lovely photos of your learning. I hope you are enjoying the lovely weather. Here is your learning today. If you have any questions email me.

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Carey

PE Joe Wick’s daily workout live at 9am


Write the short date in your maths book



Count in twos to 30

Count back in twos from 30

Do some baking and look at the measurements. What numbers can you see?

Do lots of counting. How many stairs do you have? If I walked up and down again how many stairs would I take?

How many catches can you do before dropping the ball?

How many teddies/toy cars/dolls can you put in a line? If you take 2 away how many are left? If you had 4 more. How many would you have? Lots of talking about numbers. Record some of the things you did in your Maths book.

Play Mathletics games – If you have lost your login details please email me and I will send them to you.

Music Live at 11am



Practise your spellings for this week
Phonics Write these words in your writing book and put the sound buttons on. Can you read them all? Click on the Wednesday phonics link below.

Wednesday phonics

Reading Read for 10 minutes and talk about what you have read.

Practise reading the common exception words – click on the link below.

Year 1 Common Exception Words

Listen to free stories,

Computing You can complete this over the next two weeks.

Theme – We want an internet where we’re free to …………

You can make up a song, rap, poem, story/ fable, news report, recipe, superheroes or video game…
You could create a simple storyboard to plan their films.
Look at the winners from last year
 Art Piet Mondrian was an artist who liked to use primary colours.

Look at this picture of his. Click on the Wednesday’s Art link below.

Wednesday’s Art

Can you recreate it? You can use paint, strips of paper, felt tips or colouring pencils.


Tuesday 24th January Learning

Good morning Year 1. Here is your learning today.


PE Joe Wick’s daily workout live at 9am


Write the short date in your maths book


Count to 100 in ones.

Copy the following into your Maths books


7 + ____ = 20

9 + ____= 16

Double 8 =

14- 4 =

Half of 16 =


Use objects or draw pictures to help you solve the following calculations. Write them in your maths books

10 – 6 =         14 – 5 =

10 -5 =           13 – 3 =

10 –7 =           15 – 4 =

10 – 8 =         20 –12=

Extension – Write the number sentences and answers in your books.

25 – 12=        24 – 14 =      36 – 15=

There were 26 biscuits on a plate. Mo eats 5 of them. How many are left?

There are 22 cars in a car park. 9 drive away. How many are left?

Tom has 16 sweets, Peter has 19 sweets and Sue has 5 less than Tom. How

many does Sue have?

Music Body Beat – live at 11am



Write the date in your book.

Practise your spellings for this week

Write each spelling four times in your handwriting book. Remember to stay in the lines like the examples in your book.

Read a book with an adult. Write a description about the setting (the place) Can you use lots of exciting adjectives. Remember capital letters, full stops and neat handwriting.


Choose phase 3 and then phase 5 and choose revise all phase 5. Play the game.

Do activity mat 3 that was sent home.

Reading Read for 10 minutes and talk about what you have read.

If you have finished your reading books


password: ilovereading2020

Go to books, ebooks, click on book band and choose your child’s colour. Choose a book. Remember to read the book a few times over the week and talk about the book. Play the activities linked to the books you read.

RE Read Matthew’s story of the Last supper

Set out a table like Jesus did and act out the last supper. In your writing book stick a photo of your table or draw a picture and write some sentences about the story. You can email me some photos to add to the blog.

Please email me if you need help or advice.

Mrs Carey

Monday 23rd March Learning

Good morning Year 1. Here is your learning today. Each day write the date in your book.

Mass is at 10am –



Copy the following into your Maths books


6 + ____ = 10

4 + ____= 11

Double 3 =

10- 4 =

Half of 10 =

Play number bonds to 10 and 20 game and then write 5 number bonds to 10 in your maths books.

e.g – 6 + 4 = 10

Remember 1 digit in each square.

Extension – Write 5 number bonds to 20.

English Phonics –

username – march20   password – home

Click on phase 5 – Picnic on Pluto game – phase 5 – practise ay, ou and ie

Practise your spellings for this week

short, born, morning, more, score, before, saw, crawl, yawn, August, author, dinosaur

Write each spelling four times in your handwriting book. Remember to stay in lines like the examples in your book.

Write a sentence for five of the spellings words in your writing book. Remember to write on the line, begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark.

Extension – can you add a conjunction to your sentence? and, but, because

Can you add adjectives to describe the noun?

morning  – One bright morning I ran to the fabulous park because it was sunny.




WALT- Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their physical properties.

Materials – Humpty Dumpty would like to make a crash mat for when he sits on the wall to stop him from crashing. Test out different materials with a hardboiled egg to see what material would work. Can you drop the egg from different heights? Will that make a difference?

Make a list of the materials you tested with a tick or a cross next to it.

Write – I recommend that Humpty Dumpty uses _________to make his crash mat.

If you do not have an egg the children could feel different materials and predict what material they think would be best.

It would lovely if you took some photos and emailed them to me so I can add them to the blog. Stick photos in your book too!


Reading Read for 10 minutes and talk about what you have read.

Register a free account. Choose a dance routine to copy. Get your parents to join in!

Go outside and practise throwing and catching a ball.

If you need to get in touch with me about your child’s learning, I will be picking up emails between the hours of 8.50am and 3.30pm Monday- Friday.

Thank you for your support

Mrs Carey

Spring 2 Week 4

Our caterpillars are growing and have nearly formed a chrysalis. The children enjoyed observing the changes.


In PE we have been practicing throwing and catching a ball.

Home Learning – With a ball count how many catches you can do with a partner in 1 minute.

Spellings – short, born, morning, more, score, before, saw, crawl, yawn, August, author, dinosaur

Practise saying the months of the year. Ask questions – What month comes before August? What month comes after March?

In Design and Technology the children designed and made a swing or a chair for the old man in the tin forest. We made links with Geography and field study work by observing the physical and human features in our playground.


I will update the blog each morning with learning for that day. I have given children a handwriting book, a maths book, a writing book and an Art book.

Hope you all stay well!

Mrs Carey

Spring 2 Week 3

This week was National Science Week. We were busy all week being Scientists!.

First we thought of questions we would like to ask about biscuits. Then we received a special job from Mrs Heymoz to find out the best biscuit for dunking. As a class we planned a fair test and found out Hobnobs were the best biscuits to dunk and Nice were the worst biscuits. We learnt about the scientist Donald Palmer and his work studying infections and how germs spread. We sprayed some blue water on paper and watched how the water spread like germs do. Mrs Worrell spoke to us about how she uses Science in her job as a nurse. We did many Explorify activities to develop our explanation and reasoning skills. The parents gave some good reasons on celebration morning.

On Friday, it was lovely to have the parents and grandparents in class. The children loved telling you about their learning and taking seeing you part in the cotton wool and water experiment.

Home Learning

Please write all number bonds to 10 and some to 20.

Please practise reading the real and nonsense words.

Spellings—thief, chief, field, pie, cried, tried, dried, night, bright, light

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Carey


Spring 2 Week 2

The children looked amazing as their favourite Bible story characters! They enjoyed telling the class about their favourite stories. We also read our favourite story books!

In Maths we have been naming and describing 3D shapes. We made shapes with lego, blocks and sticks. Please identify real life objects and their shapes at home.

In English we have continued with The Tin Forest. We have made some lovely animals and  trees for our corridor display.

In Science we put some caterpillars into some special caterpillar food and we will observe the changes over the next few weeks. The children are very excited about them turning into butterflies.

Home Learning

Draw a picture and write some sentences about your favourite book.

Spellings  – blue, true, clue, Tuesday, new, few, grew, flew, drew, threw


Have a lovely weekend


Mrs Carey


Spring 2 Week 1

A great week back!  It was lovely to see you all at Parents’ evening, I hope you enjoyed looking at your children’s  learning.

Our Whole School Writing focus is on the book The Tin Forest. The children have been writing some wonderful descriptions of the main character and the setting. We have been creative with the boxes the children collected to make wonderful animals and trees for our forest.

In Maths we have been naming and describing 2D shapes. The children went on a shape hunt around the school. What shapes can you find at home?

The Year 1’s took part in the KS1 Act of Worship on Wednesday to begin Lent.  On Friday the children added their Lenten promises to the school Lenten tree.

Home Learning – Mathletics and Spellings.

Spellings –

how, now, brown, town, down, own, blow, snow, grow, show

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey


Week 6

This week we have been doubling and halving. Please practise all the doubles and halves to 10.

In Science we predicted what would happen to different foods when they were heated. Then we tested them to see if our predictions were correct. We were also given a task to help Cinderella find the most absorbent paper to clean the floor. After careful observations we found that kitchen roll was more absorbent than paper or blue hand towels.

In English the children wrote wonderful poems and performed them to the class. We have amazing poets in the class!

As part of Other Faith Week we took part in a workshop about Judaism. The children learnt about many of the Jewish traditions.

Last Friday we made clay leaves. We had great fun!

We had great fun at the Valentine’s Disco!

Have a lovely holiday.

Mrs Carey