Religion – Remembering St Paul VI our school patron

Religion – Remembering St Paul VI our School patron

The 29thMay has been dedicated to remembering St Paul VI, the patron of our school. He became a Saint on 14th October 2018. To launch our R.E. home learning this week, we will focus St Paul VI and his work  spreading the Gospel of Christ; he was a prophet of our Church facing outwards, looking to those far away and caring for the poor.


Saint Paul VI Quotes – Diocesan

Our Morning Offering – 26 September – The Memorial of Blessed Pope ...


Saint Paul VI believed that we should work to serve the poor and the hungry.  Click on the link below to look at the work of CAFOD – the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development. Take part in their jar of hope activity.

Say this prayer from the Cafod Website

Your loving care

Lord Jesus,

when you walked with us on earth

you spread your healing power.

We place in your loving care

all who are affected by Coronavirus.

Keep us strong in faith, hope and love

Bring relief to our sick,

console our bereaved,

protect those who care for us.

We lift our prayer to you Lord,

and trust in your infinite mercy,

as we wait for the daybreak.


Wednesday Word – Trinity Sunday (A)

This week, Elysia has prepared a beautiful powerpoint to take you through this Sunday’s Gospel: Trinity Sunday. Click here to open it.

Curriculum – Weekly Learning w/b: 1st June

Pope Paul Primary School

Home learning for KS1 and KS2

Week Beginning:  1st June 2020


Dear Pope Paul children,

We hope that you had a lovely half-term.

For this week, we have prepared lots of exciting and practical activities, giving you lots of opportunities to learn something new and useful.

We would like you to continue with your morning lessons.

Every afternoon we would like you to take part in this week’s learning project which will beViewpoints’. Choose one activity each day to complete.  Try out our task board challenge below if you have time!

As always, keep sharing all your amazing work, creations and skills with us!


Miss Davey , Mrs Carey, Miss Pringle, Miss Varga, Mrs McNamara, Mrs Lines and Miss Donatantonio.



Click here if you are in Year 1 and 2

Click here if you are in Years 3 – 6.

Choose at least one activity each afternoon to complete.

Resources to assist you with this week’s topic based learning:

Social Emotional Learning

  1. Compliments Game
  2. Activity_Roll_With_It
  3. ‘Would I Lie to You?’ Brain Breaks
  4. Self_Awareness_Activities
  5. The_Spiral
  6. Worry_monster_activity HELP SHEETS

Art: Frida-Kahlo

Music:  Smetana Composer Activity

We know that you love a challenge – click here to try our task board!!

Partial Re-opening 1st June 2020

Dear Parents,
Please see the links below with detailed information regarding the partial re-opening of our school and a WELCOME BACK! powerpoint to share with your children.

20052020 Parent Letter

29052020 Letter to Parents

Welcome Back pdf

With thanks

Liz Heymoz

Wednesday Word – 7th Sunday of Easter (A)

This week, Sofia has prepared a beautiful powerpoint to take you through this Sunday’s Gospel. Click here to open it.

Spirituality Week: Friday 22nd May 2020

Spirituality Week 2020

Theme: The God who speaks


Friday 22nd May

The God who speaks through prayer

“Acquire the habit of speaking to God as if you were alone with him, as to the dearest and most loving of friends.”

St Alphonsus

As we reach the end of our spirituality week, I would like to thank our year 6 House captains and Liturgy group for helping to make our week so special.  To listen to your voices as you read from scripture made it so meaningful and I found myself listening to the prayer stations several times over! Thank you so much for your time and creativity.

Mrs Joyce

Today’s focus is to think about prayer and especially prayer through Adoration. So we invite you at 11’o clock to log onto the live streaming at Our Lady and St Vincent’s Church and join Fr Shaun and Deacon Axcel for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.

NO Adoration and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament TODAY ...


Please remember to say the special Novena prayer that started yesterday, praying it each day until the feast of Pentecost. You will find it below.


Mary, our Mother, you stayed with the disciples

in those ten long days between the Ascension and Pentecost,

still patient, still pondering, still trusting in your Son.

Be with us now as we remember how Jesus was taken from your sight.

Be with us now as we remember his call to share our faith.

Be with us now as we await his Holy Spirit.

Pray with us now, ‘Come Holy Spirit’, Thy Kingdom come’.


A Spiritual Moment

On Tuesday, Mrs Heymoz, Mrs Joyce and I had a spiritual moment.  Deacon Axcel came to school to help assist in preparing the children with the bidding prayers for the Ascension Day Mass.  He came with a beautiful gift for our school community: an icon of the saint St. Raphael which he painted himself. The name St Raphael means ‘God Heals’ and he is the patron saint of travellers, the blind, happy meetings, nurses, physicians, medical workers, matchmakers, Christian marriage, and Catholic studies. We thank Deacon Axcel for this wonderful gift which he has placed on our school altar.

We belong to a wonderful parish community!

Mrs McNamara



How am I feeling at the end of today?

What have I most enjoyed today?

What am I thankful for today?

When was I most peaceful today?

What are my hopes for tomorrow?

Spirituality Week : Thursday 21st May

Spirituality Week 2020

Theme: The God who speaks

Thursday 21st May

The Feast of the Ascension

Today is a special feast day in our church; The feast of the Ascension. Forty days after the Resurrection of Jesus when we remember when Jesus returned to his Father in heaven.

Please join us at 10 a.m. for live streaming of Mass at Our Lady and St Vincent church.


Read the story below from the Acts of the Apostles

Jesus is taken up to heaven

The apostles were all together. They asked Jesus, “Lord, are you at this time going to give the kingdom back to Israel?”

Jesus said to them, “The Father is the only One who has the authority to decide dates and times. These things are now for you to know. But the Holy Spirit will come to you. Then you will receive power. You will be my witnesses – in Jerusalem, in all of Judea, in Samaria, and in every part of the world.”

After he said this, as they were watching, he was lifted up. A cloud hid him from their sight. As he was going, they were looking into the sky. Suddenly, two men wearing white clothes stood beside them. They said “Men of Galilee, why are you standing here looking into the sky? You saw Jesus taken away from you into heaven. He will come back in the same way you saw him go.”

The Gospel of the Lord

Read by Samuel, one of our Liturgy Leaders


Many famous Artists have painted their interpretation of this story including Giotto regarded as the most important Italian painter of the 14th century.  Look at his painting below called ‘The Ascension of Christ’ and think about what  you notice in his painting and which part is the most striking to you?


Giotto, the Ascension of Christ, 1304-06. Fresco from the Scrovegni (Arena) Chapel, Padua, Italy.

Imagine you are a famous artist and have been asked to create a painting about the Ascension.

What would you paint?

What colours would you use?

Who would feature in your painting?

We look forward to seeing your creations.



How am I feeling at the end of today?

What have I most enjoyed today?

What am I thankful for today?

When was I most peaceful today?

What are my hopes for tomorrow?


Thy Kingdom Come Resources – Novena Prayer from Ascension to Pentecost




21st – 31st May 2020


Mary, our Mother, you stayed with the disciples

in those ten long days between the Ascension and Pentecost,

still patient, still pondering, still trusting in your Son.

Be with us now as we remember how Jesus was taken from your sight.

Be with us now as we remember his call to share our faith.

Be with us now as we await his Holy Spirit.

Pray with us now, ‘Come Holy Spirit’, Thy Kingdom come’.  Amen


Please pray this prayer every day from 21 – 31 May.


Your parent can download a fun prayer map OR app at

Below there is a thought and a prayer for each day

Thursday 21st (Ascension Day) Theme: The call to share our faith.  Who was Jesus?

Pray    for all your family and friends by name.  Ask Jesus to help them know him better.


Friday 22nd  

Theme: For all who have lost sight of God, that they would see his love revealed in their lives

Pray    Lord Jesus I love you and I praise you.  Help me to love as you love.  May my love help

to show others what you are like today. I pray especially for those who are worried and sad.


Saturday 23rd   Theme: Trust.  For those who feel isolated and alone.

Pray    Lord Jesus, I thank you and I place all my trust in you. Help us all to remember your promise that you are with us always.


Sunday 24th    Theme: Forgiveness. That those in need of it will know the joy of God’s Mercy

Pray    Father I am sorry for the times I have offended you. Help me to be a better person.


Monday 25th    Theme: Openness.  That the hearts of those we know and love might be more open to Christ who waits to be invited in.

Pray    Lord, help me, and all who long to know you more, to open our hearts wide and welcome you in.


Tuesday 26th    Theme: Curiosity.  For all those who are beginning to show an interest in matters of faith, that their curiosity will grow into a desire for the living God.

Pray    Lord, help me never to be afraid to ask for what you will for me.




Wednesday 27th    Theme: Seeking; that those who seek God may find their heart’s desire.

Pray    Lord, help me never to become distracted from my search for you.


Thursday 28th    Theme: Encounter; for us all to encounter the person of Jesus Christ and experience life lived to the full.

Pray    Lord Jesus, I adore you. I give thanks for every opportunity to meet you each day.


Friday 29th    Theme: Freedom; that those held down by past experiences, hurt or pain may know the freedom that Christ brings when we follow him.

Pray    Father, today we celebrate the freedom we received through the gift of Christ your Son.  Help me to forgive those who have hurt me and to look for the good things about others.


Saturday 30th    Theme: Faith; that we may all grown in faith, that we may all be filled with the hope of what is to come.

Pray    Lord, you give me so many wonderful things.  Help me, and all who seek to grow in faith, to hear more clearly your word of hope.


Sunday 24th    Theme: Thy Kingdom Come; for the whole Church to be filled with the Holy Spirit as by a new Pentecost.

Pray    Lord, at Pentecost we celebrate the gift of your Holy Spirit.  We pray that the whole Church will be filled with the fire of your love.  Come Holy Spirit and renew the face of the earth.


PENTECOST SUNDAY (There will be no separate liturgy mailing)


Pentecost is the birthday of the Church.  The first Christians received the Holy Spirit and then went out with lots of courage to tell all the people about Jesus.


Go to

Click on the word ‘pentecost’

You will find some activities, a video to watch about El Salvador and a colouring sheet.

There is a second colouring sheet at


The next Children’s Liturgy mailing will be in the first week of June.  Please post in your colouring to decorate the church.


Spirituality Week: Wednesday 20th May

Spirituality Week 2020

Theme: The God who speaks

Wednesday 20th May

The God who speaks through Scripture

Reading biblical stories about Jesus’ power to heal can hearten and encourage us. Reading these stories can offer hope. Here are two stories from the bible which show Jesus’ healing power which shows us that Jesus has compassion for the sick.

Reception, Year 1 and 2

Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers

Luke 17: 12- 16

“As he was going into a village, ten men with leprosy came toward him. They stood at a distance and shouted, ‘Jesus, Master, have pity on us!’ Jesus looked at them and said, ‘Go show yourselves to the priests.’ On their way, they were healed. When one of them discovered he was healed, he came back, shouting praises to God. He bowed down at the feet of Jesus and thanked him.”

Read by Sofia, one of our Liturgy Leaders


Activity: Make a thank you card today for some in your family who helps you. Give the card to them or post it to them if you have not been able to see them from a while.


Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

Touching his Cloak

Matthew 9:20 -22

“A woman who had been bleeding for twelve years came up behind Jesus and barely touched his clothes. She had said to herself, ‘If I can just touch his clothes, I will get well.’ Jesus turned. He saw the woman and said, ‘Don’t worry! You are now well because of your faith.’ At that moment, she was healed.”


Read by Louise, one of our Liturgy Leaders



Make the sign of the cross and say our Mission prayer.  Read the story from Matthew above.

Draw a large cloak like the one Jesus was wearing and inside it write the following prayer or create your own.


I pray that my faith in you grows.

I feel you with me.

Give me the courage to ask for your help,

the way the sick woman did.

In Jesus’ name, I pray.




How am I feeling at the end of today?

What have I most enjoyed today?

What am I thankful for today?

When was I most peaceful today?

What are my hopes for tomorrow?

Spirituality Week: Tuesday 19th May 2020

Spirituality Week 2020

Theme: The God who speaks


Tuesday 19th May

The God who speaks at Prayer Stations

Prayer Stations are – literally – stations! They are places where people can stop and reflect. Usually, there is something to prompt reflection and, quite often, something for people to do. They are particularly useful for people who are very sensory – who find that God speaks to them through what they see, hear, touch , smell or taste.  They can be used as part of a focal point – at the back of church or in a school entrance or in people’s homes.

Read by Elysia, one of our Liturgy Leaders


For each station, click on the play button underneath each image to hear the House Captains leading you in prayer.

Station 1: Mikey   Station 2: Evie   Station 3: Jude   Station 4: Owen

Station 5: Giovanna   Station 6: Jonathan  Station 7: Jack  Station 8: Maria


Station 1

The God Who Speaks Through The Cross

Station 2

The God Who Speaks Through the Ordinary

Station 3

The God Who Helps Us

Station 4

God’s Gift

Station 5

Hand Prayers

Station 6

Blessing Prayer

Station 7

Prayer for the World

Station 8

The God Who Takes Away Our Worries


How am I feeling at the end of today?

What have I most enjoyed today?

What am I thankful for today?

When was I most peaceful today?

What are my hopes for tomorrow?