Autumn 2 Week 4
This week, we have been learning about Advent. We learnt that purple is the colour of Advent, the priest wears purple at church, the first candle we light is purple and the cloth on our altar is purple. The first candle represents hope. We have been thinking of what we are hoping for. The children are hoping people have homes, food and clothes. Lots are hoping for snow at Christmas and many hoping for different presents. The children made stars to remember their hopes and wishes. Advent is a time for preparing; the children drew things we do to prepare for Christmas. The children made Advent promises to become closer to God during Advent and we added them to our class display. Each day, we will open a door and try to follow the Advent promise. The children painted Advent wreaths.
As we have finished all of the Phase 2 sounds, we have been revising them this week. Please keep practising them at home. We have also been practising reading and spelling the tricky words. Please practise I, a, go, no, to, into, the. The children have been on a hunt around the playground to find the tricky words on stars.
We have been busy practising for our Christmas Play. Thank you for your support with practising the children’s lines and thank you for sending the children’s costumes in.
In Religion, we listened to the story The Annunciation from the Bible. The children made angels and wrote what Mary and Angel Gabriel said to each other.
On Friday, we took our Advent promises to assembly and they were added to the hall display.
Christmas Nativity – Thursday 5th December at 9.30am.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team