Autumn 2 Week 2
We are Called to Serve
This week, Year 5 were called upon to serve their school community in a variety of ways. On Tuesday, a selection of children attended the training centre at the Diocese of Westminster, to support Mrs Joyce and Mrs Heymoz. They showed teachers from around the diocese how we use music to worship at Pope Paul and they were commended for their talents and behaviour. On Thursday, another group of children attended an event for ‘World Day of the Poor’. They worked alongside children from other schools and other faiths to make Vinnie packs for those in need. Also this week, our Junior Travel Ambassadors have been hard at work. They have taken part in meetings during their spare time to think of ideas for making travel safer for our school community. They then delivered an assembly to the whole school to discuss these. Within the school, Year 5 have been called upon to support younger year groups. They have used their knowledge about Parliament to teach them all about the General Election and how Parliament works. They have risen to this challenge incredibly well and I have received many compliments from staff and parents about their knowledge and behaviour. I am so proud to see that they are developing in their confidence and leadership skills.
In school this week, we have been planning our rain forest survival guides and learning how to divide and multiply by 10, 100 and 1000, including decimals. Our RE learning is now focusing on Matthew as a Gospel writer as be begin to move into his liturgical year. In science, we have planned an investigation for next week to look at how effective different materials are as thermal insulators. If anyone has some bubble wrap at home, it would be greatly appreciated. We only need a small amount to wrap around a plastic cup. In PE, Harry returned for our weekly football session. This week the focus was on turning.
Have a great weekend
Mrs Lines
Home Learning:, Mathletics, 5 readtheory tests and spelling have now been given out.