Autumn 1 Week 3
We have made the most of the fantastic weather this week and got outside for some of our lessons. For Science, we went in search of wildlife on our school grounds and tried to determine what stage of its life cycle the creature was in. Our weekly mindfulness task gave us the opportunity to take notice of the natural world around us and make drawings of plants in bloom. Our PE lessons have focused on agility, dodging and chest passing. Year 5 have loved some of the games we have played, with ‘gladiators’ being a particular favourite!

I have been greatly impressed with the children’s maths skills over the past couple of weeks. We have progressed our place value from 4 digit to 7 digit numbers. Well done, Year 5!
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Lines
Home Learning
Mathletics and studyladder activities have been set. Children should also complete 10 readtheory tests and learn Week 2 spellings. A copy has been sent home with the children but they can also be viewed on the previous blog post.