Autumn 2 Week 2
It has been wonderful welcome the children back this week and hear about their half term breaks.
This week was UK Parliament Week. The children built on their learning from last year about the structure of Parliament to understand General Elections. We discussed the upcoming election and why it is happening. The children will be watching out for campaign leaflets that will be coming through our letter boxes soon to learn more about who wants to represent our constituency. We also spent some time using the resources sent from the Parliament Education Service to understand how a bill becomes a law.

This week was also ‘Other Faith Week’ and our focus was on Judaism. As it is the Year of the Word, we have been learning about the Torah. We discovered what it is and its connection to our own Bible. After learning about how sacred it is, we looked at ways the Jewish community express respect and show importance of the the ancient text.
In PE, we welcomed Harry back for more football training. This week the key skill was receiving.

Home learning this week is on mathletics and Children are also expected to complete 5 tests on
New spellings for this half term will be given out on Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Lines