Happy New Year! It has be wonderful to welcome the children back to school this week. They have enjoyed sharing their Christmas news and have worked well in class.

We started the week celebrating Epiphany and learning the meanings behind the gifts given to Jesus by the Wise Men.

They have been investigating factors and factor pairs in Maths and in English they have started to use alliteration in their writing. The home learning in their pack supports this learning – please return this by Wednesday.

The class have also started exploring still life in Art. They have looked at and discussed paintings by Paul Cezanne, a French painter, who wanted his art to be enjoyed by as many people as possible. He encouraged artists to explore colour, shape and space. They have practised sketching different fruit and vegetables, using their observation,  shading, hatching and stipping skills.

P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday (Swimming).

Swimming lessons will commence next Wednesday (15th January) please ensure your child wears their PE kit, brings their swimming kit to school every Wednesday and give consent on School Gateway.

Home learning 

Maths and English home learning has been sent home, please return this on Wednesday. Your child also has a library book in their bag, please hear them read and sign their reading record. Next week we will be revising last term spelling.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle