5th May, 2023

Although the children have not been in school for the whole week, a lot has happened!

The children have continued with their revision sessions this week with great focus and concentration.  We are very proud of them for showing such maturity towards their learning. The Tuesday and Thursday maths enrichment sessions will be available during SATs week if your child would like to attend.  On Tuesday, we had a visit from an NHS mental health practitioner to talk to the class about dealing with exam stress.  She led a workshop on  assisting the children on ways to help them deal with the stress they may be feeling and the children were given a special card with steps to follow.

SATs 2023 – Tuesday 9th May – Friday 12th May
We want to reassure you that we will do everything we can to make the process as comfortable as possible for your children.
What can parents do to help their children prepare for SATs?
  1. Talk about the SATs and tell them not worry about them. We will also do this, too, but it makes a bigger impact if school and parents do this together. Children perform best when they are relaxed.
  2. Reading is a key part of primary education so keep encouraging daily reading whether your child reads on their own or if you read together. Discuss the books, the characters, the storylines and encourage your child to express their own opinions on the book. This is important to their long term development.
  3. Try to keep everything else running normally. So whether its sport, music lessons or Scouts and Guides; sticking to your normal routine of out of school activities demonstrates to your child that SATs are not the be and end all of year 6.
  4. During the SATs week, whilst keeping to normal timetable, try to avoid late nights, as children will find sitting the tests tiring.
  5. Stay positive. Many children enjoy taking the tests as they see it as a challenge and like the importance and the feeling of being special that SATs give year 6.

If you would like to look over the information re SATs that was discussed at the last parent meeting (Focus was: PGL Visit to Bawdsey Manor and SATs), go to the Year 6 Class Page and the powerpoint that was shown is under the tab labelled PGL.

On Wednesday, Year 6 took part in a skateboard session and were introduced to: the importance of staying safe when learning and practising skateboarding; finding their stance; pushing and learning to control direction and speed; improving speed control, direction control and balance techniques for turning.  We hope that this session has encouraged your child to look into this activity – Skateboarding is definitely a great workout! On Wednesday afternoon, Lorcan led a class liturgy encouraging the class to prepare for and pray about their SATs with a distinct focus on Jesus who is with us and gives us peace.

A special thank you to Macy who took these photos during the skateboarding session.

Today, we came to school dressed in red, white and blue to celebrate the upcoming coronation of King Charles III.  The children spent time finding out about King Charles III, learning a song about the coronation and many other things, finishing the afternoon off with decorating biscuits!

These photos will be uploaded for the next blog.

Have a lovely weekend!

Home learning:

Look over any learning aids that have been uploaded onto the class page that you have worked through in class.

On Mathletics, there are activities there for you to have a go at(choose the areas of maths you find the most challenging and answer questions on those).

Log onto TTRs and ensure your speed is improving….again, well done to those children who are constantly striving to increase the speed of answering a question.

SPaG Revision aids: