Summer 1 Week 7

Our final week of the half term saw us taking part in Spirituality Week. It was wonderful to spend time in the presence of God and reflect on the message of hope. One of the main highlights was sharing prayers with Year 1. I was incredibly proud of how Year 5 interacted with the younger children and flourished in their roles of responsibility. I have no doubt the will make excellent reading partners for Reception next year.


Year 6 lead us in some wonderful acts of reflection on Thursday. I am looking forward to seeing Year 5 take on this role next year.


Have a wonderful half term


Mrs Lines

Home Learning

Science Research 

Your child has made a prediction about what the mystery egg is. Research online or in books to see if the animal they predicted comes from an egg and print or draw a picture of the egg of their chosen animal.

Random Acts of Wildness

We are completing 30 days of wildness so we can appreciate the nature around us. Each day in June the children will complete a different activity.  Please try to do the first six activities in the half term and bring a photo of one of the activities to school.

1st June – Feel the wild between your toes – squelch your toes in sand, grass or mud.

2nd June – Look up at the clouds – What shapes can you see?

3rd June – Find a creepy crawly, be gentle and observe the way it moves.

4th June – Thread a daisy chain

5th June – Make a nature table, collect wild treasures like feathers, fossils or bones.

6th June – Have lunch in the wild.