24.4.20 learning
Good Morning and Happy Friday!
I hope you enjoy today’s learning and have a lovely weekend.
Miss Pringle
Spelling/ handwriting
Spelling test – put the short date in your writing book and the numbers 1- 10 in the margin then ask someone to test you on the 10 ary words written in your handwriting book on Monday. Good luck.
Give yourself a percentage out of 100 just as we do in class. 10/10 = 100% 9/10 = 90 % |
WALT write a news report. |
If you haven’t edited, illustrated and finished your project then please do that today.
If you have finished your project then please watch Newsround and report on one of the news stories that most interested you. Write one or two quality paragraphs about it and remember reporters have to include who was involved as well as what, how, where and when it happened. |
Follow this link to listen to David Walliams read you one of his stories. I hope you enjoyed Stacey Superstar yesterday – I know I did.
https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/ Read with an adult for 15 minutes and Log the book and date in your reading record. |
Miss Pringle’s daily fluency |
Please self mark your maths today and discuss any you need support with, with an adult. Go onto Mathletics and practice any area that you may have needed support with this week.
Monday 400 2,000
+21 = 64 -21 =22 +9 = 52 -11 = 32
40 4,000
33,35,37 19,21,23 105,107,109 Counting up in 2s
April December February 20.4.20
Friday was the hottest day Wednesday was 20˚C Thursday was 5˚C hotter
Quarter to 6 5.50 or 10 to 6 5.35 or 25 to 6
Pentagon 5 equal sides 5 corners No right angles
½ has been eaten
1,000g = 1kg 2,000g = 2kg
9 20
+9 = 265 -9 = 247 -99= 157 +99 = 355
800 8
200, 250, 300 307, 407, 507 500, 450, 400
July May November
train car 6,7 or 8
3 O’Clock 15 minutes 3.30 or half past 3
Cylinder 2 circular faces and 1 rectangular face 2 edges
A = ½ B = 1/3 C = ¼
10mm = 1cm 30mm = 3cm
Wednesday A and D are acute
+21= 621 -21= 579 +101= 701 -101= 499
90 9
32,40,48 302,402,502 58,48,38
31 days 8 weeks (and 5 days) 365 days
Basketball 25 – 30
12.30 or half past 12 30 minutes or half an hour 1.30 or half past 1
Triangle, irregular triangle or scalene are all correct 3 corners No lines of symmetry
¾ ¼
1,000 ml = 1 l ½ l = 500ml
C and D
+11 = 421 -11 = 399 -21 = 389 +21 = 431
700 70
7, 17, 27, 37. Adding 10 each time.
April, June, September and November have 30 days. 3 months are spelt with 8 letters. There are 4 Mondays in April 2020
15 kilos Sunday Maybe they had a roast dinner with the whole family.
a) 1.20 b) 11.59 c) 12.30 or half past 12 d) 11.59 B and d are the same time. A is the closest to 1 O’Clock
Sphere’s have no faces, edges or vertices.
4, 40, 400 It is increasing by 10 each time.
£2.12 £1.92
Science and D & T
WALT design and make a bird feeder. |
To attract more birds into your garden or to your window you can make a bird feeder using recycled materials. Remember to always ask an adult when using scissors and check no one is allergic to certain nuts or seeds. I’d love to hear what birds come to visit you.
Here are some feeder ideas and ingredients that birds enjoy eating to help you get started; Dry left over bread, cake or oats. Grated cheese or raisins. Peanuts or seeds.