22nd June, 2018

IMG_1660IMG_1663This week has flown by!  We’ve been part of the audience watching the Year 6 production of Bugsy Malone on Tuesday which we really enjoyed and also the Guitar concert on Wednesday morning.  Well done to Elysia, Evie, Matthew A, Matthew D, Maks, Nick and Samuel on their wonderful performances.  Each of them has shown such progress from the start of the year. Congratulations! The children played their guitars with such confidence – the audience of children and family members clearly enjoyed the tunes played.

This week we have continued with our Maths learning – looking at Roman Numerals at the start of the week and investigating different types of triangles (Isosceles, Right-angled, Scalene).  It was great to hear the children discuss the various sizes of angles (obtuse, acute and right-angled).

In English we are writing up our Narratives using description to add more meaning and dialogue to bring the story alive.

In RE we have looked at the importance of the Martyrs and examined the Gospel for this Sunday’s Mass – The birth of John the Baptist.

In Drumming we have been preparing a special song to sing and perform at St Peter and Paul’s Mass on Friday.


Click below for our spellings this week: Spellings for unit 10 HW

Maths – Log onto your Mathletics account – complete the activities on angles and types of triangles.  I encourage your child to sit at the computer with a pencil and paper and use them to assist in answering the questions given.

Topics covered are: angles, triangles etc..

Log onto Oxford Owl and try reading one of the books from the bookshelf.

Log in details are:


Log in: Year 4 loves books

Password: McNamara

Happy Reading!