Autumn 2 Week 4

Well done for your Mad Hair Day efforts today, Year 4 – I loved the variety and creativity! Thank you for your generous donations to the (white) class hamper.


Please continue to practise readings and songs for the Advent Service, which is next Wednesday. The blog post is here. Everyone else should wear their winter school uniform, excluding their jumper or cardigan.


Year 1 Week Beginning 25.11.24

This week, the children have spent a lot of time with Year 2 rehearsing their KS1 Nativity, and it is really starting to come together! They have done so well to learn their lines- thank you so much for supporting your child with this. Please continue to practise with them daily and encourage them to say their lines really loudly.  Please also look out for a letter at the beginning of next week explaining what they will need to wear under their costume. Thank you.

In English, the children have continued focussing on the book – Pumpkin Soup. They have been writing questions and learning how to use question marks properly. They then created ‘Missing Duck’ posters, and included adjectives and question marks within their writing.

In Maths, Year 1 have continued their learning on addition and number bonds and in RE, they learnt about the story of the Annunciation.



In Phonics, Year 1 learnt the next four new sounds from Phase 5. You can find them here.

It was wonderful to see so many wonderful mad hair creations today!! Thank you for your hamper donations.

New Spelling Shed games have been set, for those that want to play them!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 team


Friday 29th November 2024

In English this week we have been looking at building tension and suspense through sentence length. The children worked well with model texts to look at how this is done effectively before trying it themselves.  In Maths the children have been working on multiplication and how it links to division.  There are some links to some areas of maths on a separate blog that can assist your child in revising some of the topics we have covered this term or revised this term.  Do encourage your child to have a go.

As we head towards the season of Advent, our RE learning explored the context around the time of Jesus’ birth. The children worked in teams to research and then present the information. This was a wonderful opportunity for the class to use their oracy skills.

On Wednesday the children enjoyed the fun swim, which was their final swimming session. We will continue to have PE on on this day until further notice, so kits should still be worn on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Today was mad hair day and the class was buzzing with such marvellous creations! The colour of the Year 6 Class Hamper is light blue.

Year 6 have also continued to prepare for the Advent service this week, which takes place on Wednesday 4th December. We look forward to seeing you all there supporting your child in such a special reflection to help prepare us for the birth of Jesus.

Thank you to the Liturgy Group for assisting with our Advent Stars Display which can be seen in the main hall.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Home Learning:

WE NEED EVERY CHILD TO BRING INTO SCHOOL ,BY WEDNESDAY, SOME EVERGREEN about 20 – 30 cm in length as each child will be placing some evergreen on the altar on Wednesday night to create an advent wreath.  Please send this in with your child from Monday. Thank you.

The children need to prepare for the Advent service by continuing to learn the lyrics to the advent songs by heart and for the children who are singing solos, to practise their songs. Click here for the songs and lyrics.

This week’s spellings are on spellingshed.

Year 6 Class Hamper – Blue (Winter Sky). Please do not forget to bring in a donation for our class hamper before

or on Friday 29th November.  The colour is blue.






Reminder: There will be no writing club on Monday 2nd December. It will resume the following week on the 9th December.

Autumn 2 Week 4

This week, we have been learning about Advent. We learnt that purple is the colour of Advent, the priest wears purple at church, the first candle we light is purple and the cloth on our altar is purple. The first candle represents hope. We have been thinking of what we are hoping for. The children are hoping people have homes, food and clothes. Lots are hoping for snow at Christmas and many hoping for different presents. The children made stars to remember their hopes and wishes. Advent is a time for preparing; the children drew things we do to prepare for Christmas. The children made Advent promises to become closer to God during Advent and we added them to our class display. Each day, we will open a door and try to follow the Advent promise. The children painted Advent wreaths.

As we have finished all of the Phase 2 sounds, we have been revising them this week. Please keep practising them at home. We have also been practising reading and spelling the tricky words. Please practise I, a, go, no, to, into, the. The children have been on a hunt around the playground to find the tricky words on stars.

We have been busy practising for our Christmas Play. Thank you for your support with practising the children’s lines and thank you for sending the children’s costumes in.

In Religion, we listened to the story The Annunciation from the Bible. The children made angels and wrote what Mary and Angel Gabriel said to each other.

On Friday, we took our Advent promises to assembly and they were added to the hall display.


Christmas Nativity – Thursday 5th December at 9.30am.


Have a wonderful weekend.


Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team

Friday, 29th November 2024

The children in Year 2 had a busy week with a focus on rehearsals for our Nativity production later in December.

In English, the class completed their third big write, a letter of complaint as a classroom item- such as a sharpener, a rubber or the carpet- giving reasons for their upset, using conjunctions and apostrophes for contractions. They also published these pieces in neat.

In Maths we moved on and later consolidated our second addition strategy- Think 10. In applying this strategy, the children rewrite complex number sentences as simpler ones by forming a number bond to 10. E.g.: 8+7 can be re-written as 10+5.

In RE, we looked at Luke’s Gospel of the Annunciation and Visitation and used image prompts to identify the characters, setting and plot. The class also made Advent promises, reflecting on their Advent journey of mission whilst also produced stained glass pictures to add to our display.

The class also enjoyed 2 art activities related to our Geography topic: Antarctica. First, they used a video tutorial to sketch and colour in Emperor penguins, whilst later in the week, they also used clay to create 3D models of these remarkable animals.


Please, remember to bring in hamper items (check class colour in the newsletter) and please check that you have given consent for our class trip, next Thursday, 5th December 2024. Please also remember to order a school packed lunch if needed in time.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning:

Spelling- Please consolidate this week’s words: Words where ‘g’ makes a /j/ sound

Please see next week’s words in the second assignment: Words where ‘c’ makes an /s/ sound before ‘e’, ‘i’

Reading- Please carry on reading with your child and sign reading record

Nativity- please practice your lines for the production and go through the lyrics for the songs too.

Song lyrics

Week 4 Friday 29th November Year 3


A group of children led us in a beautiful act of worship this week. They gathered, prepared, responded and listened with great respect.


In maths this week, the children have used their previous knowledge on adding two numbers with no exchange to adding two number across a ten.

We are coming to the end of our Humans and animal unit and we have used lots of scientific language to describe and group animals according to what they eat.
We are moving on to our Food Waste topic next.
We are enjoying out poetry unit based on foods and have been exploring the language and phrases used in the poems to illustrate what we imagine as we read. It’s still making us very hungry!
The children worked well to describe their food items using similes today. Look at their mad hair too!
Last Friday! Well done!
We are enjoying our Music lessons- thanks Mrs McNamara! They are inspiring us to be creative and notice music notes in other areas of our learning.
We are going to be such busy bees so we have made a class calendar to help us keep track of December’s events.
– How long is that?
– ​Add multi-digit numbers 1
– ​Add 2-digit numbers: regrouping
– Column subtractions
Spelling Shed
– Words where ‘-ing’, ‘-er’ and ‘ed’ are added to multi-syllabic words
*The choir will be singing in various different places over the next four weeks. Please see the newsletter for further details.
Advent Service is Wednesday 4th December at 6:30pm
Songs can be found here 


O come, O come, Emmanuel,
and ransom captive Israel,
that mourns in lonely exile here
until the Son of God appear.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
shall come to you, O Israel!

O come thou Wisdom from on high,
who orders all things mightily.
To us the path of knowledge show,
and teach us in her ways to go.

Lines for  all year 3

The people who walked in darkness

have seen a great light.

They lived in a land of shadows,

but now light is shining on them. 

Year 5 – 29/11/24

Well done for your Mad Hair Day efforts today, Year 5 – I loved the variety and creativity!

Please continue to practise readings and songs for the Advent Service, which is next Wednesday. The blog post is here. If you are a dancer for My Soul Glorifies the Lord, please bring in black clothes for this on Monday ideally. Everyone else should wear their winter school uniform.

Spellings for this week are:

Enjoy the weekend!

Miss Donatantonio

Maths Revision

Revision of Topics in the Autumn Term 




Decimals- Rounding 


Use the links above to look over some topics that you have covered in class.


Testbase:  Multiplication and Division

  1. Click here

2.  Click here


Year 1 Week Beginning 18.11.24

This week, Years 1 and 2 have been very busy with initial rehearsals for the KS1 Christmas performance. They have now all been given their parts and have been asked to learn any lines as soon as possible. The school will be providing the costume, but will be asking the children to bring in something to wear underneath it; more information about this will follow next week.

In English, the children have been learning how to create story maps based on the wonderful story Pumpkin Soup, written by Helen Cooper. They also used adjectives to write about the feelings of the three characters in the book.

In Maths, Year 1 have continued their unit on addition, using part-whole models, tens frames and bar models to write different fact families and to explore number bonds.

In RE, the children have been learning about the season of Advent. They made their own advent wreaths and created advent cards with promises written inside; these cards will form part of a whole class advent calendar display.

In Oracy, the class have been learning about Discussion Guidelines.

During the lesson, they learnt that in order to communicate effectively they must:

Be calm and sitting nicely.

Use my ears to listen.

Use a clear voice.

Look at my friend when they are talking 

Take turns to speak.

Respect the opinions of my friend.

In Phonics this week, the children continued with the next set of phase 5 sounds which can be found here.

Spelling Shed home learning has been set- this week the focus is words ending in k and nk.

Please continue to learn the song lyrics uploaded last week!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 team.




Autumn 2 Week 3

On Tuesday morning, we walked to Dame Alice Owens School to watch their Gym and Dance Display.  We really enjoyed the show, especially when we saw past pupils Caitlin, Lucy and Ella-Maria perform. Everyone left feeling inspired and looking forward to their next PE lesson. 

This week we have started preparing for the KS2 Advent service. Your child has been given a printed song sheet to learn over the next two weeks for their home learning. The lyrics and links to the songs that we are singing can be found here.

In RE we have been examining Luke’s gospel and learning how Mary and John the Baptist prepared for the coming of Jesus.

In Maths we have continued to multiply and divide by 6, using arrays and our reasoning skills.


We have also started to develop our oracy skills in class, through the use of discussion cards, active listening and different sentence stems that have allowed us to politely challenge, agree and persuade.

Home learning 

Spelling – Words where ‘ch’ makes a /sh/ sound

I have set EdShed games based on these words.


Singing – please learn the lyrics to the Advent songs – see the link above.

Reading – please read and fill in your reading record.