Save Our Planet – lyrics and sing-along
Click for the powerpoint to practise our song for Friday’s Assembly: Save Our Planet
Click for the powerpoint to practise our song for Friday’s Assembly: Save Our Planet
Another busy week in Year 6!
We have continued with our work on 3D shapes and spent time looking at reasoning questions that challenged our spatial awareness!
In RE we have been looking at the fourth source of Revelation: Scripture. The children spent time looking at the bible for their favourite story and discussing how God is revealed in it. The plethora of wonderful stories was lovely to hear about….some of them were: Jesus Heals the Blind Man, the Healing of the Lepers, the Good Samaritan etc.. For our work on Human Experiences, the children examined picture books and how the message of God is conveyed through the stories told. The children talked about how these books were full of loveable characters, playful stories, and beautiful illustrations – all ways of how God reveals himself to us.
In English, we have been developing our character knowledge. Year 6 have identified character motives and have discussed how their opinions of them changed from the first few chapters.
The highlight of the week was meeting our reading partners this afternoon. It was the first time some of the Reception children were able to join us in our classroom. The children were great role models and shared books beautifully.
We have been busy preparing for our class mass which is going to be celebrated by Fr Shaun and Deacon Sean on Wednesday 2nd October at 9am. Please note the time of 9am.
October 2nd is the Feast of the Guardian Angels.
You are warmly invited to attend this mass.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines
Home Learning:
Spelling Shed
Please encourage your child to read quietly or with an adult (at least 15 minutes a day).
Our focus this week has been around the book Owl Babies. The children have been making their own owls, drawing a storyboard to retell the story and making nest from different resources. The children have been developing their cutting skills by cutting out pictures of owls to make puppets. This story is about a some owls missing their mums. The children can relate to this story as they have been brave starting school even though they miss their mums. The children have also been learning about owls. Our classroom looks colourful with the children’s learning n the walls.
In Phonics, the children have learnt the sounds s and a. The children have learnt the sound, the rhyme and how to write the letter. We have been writing the letters in sand, glitter, foam, paint and writing them on paper. Please complete the sheets in their phonics books and continue to practise the letters at home on paper, with chalk , paint or writing the letter in the air to ensure your child can form the letters correctly.
In Religion, we learnt about the special book called the Bible where we read stories about God. We listened to the Creation story and retold it with difference resources. The children made wonderful pictures to show what God created on each day.
Reminder – Act of Worship in Reception Class on 3rd October at 9.15pm
On the 9th October the class photo will be in the Welwyn Hatfield Times.
Children can bring fruit snacks only for break time.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team
The children in Year 2 this week, carried on their Place Value learning by extending their range of models for representation and used part whole models to flexibly regroup numbers within 100. They also spent time learning how to write numbers in words as well as numerals whilst consolidating their understanding of the value of each digit within a 2 digit number.
In English, the children created noun phrases by adding adjectives to selected nouns to describe their own aliens, inspired by our class book, Aliens Love Underpants. They later sequenced the events of this story using picture prompts before creating their own story maps for retelling.
In RE, the children looked at Biblical metaphors and using items from Creation, they tried to explain how these help us understand God.First they looked at flowers to explain how God, just like a flower, makes us feel happy and gives us beauty and joy. They also lifted hard rocks to show how God is strong and how He can form a solid foundation for our Catholic life. Later in the week, the children came up with their own metaphors for God and compared him to animals to explain their understanding of His qualities.
In Science, the class reflected on the needs of the third vertebrate group, Fish whilst in History they used primary and secondary sources to prove Historical events around the Moon Landing. They reasoned in groups to reflect on how some sources are less trustworthy than others before finding clues left around the classroom to prove statements about men’s first mission to the Moon.
In PE, we moved onto skipping as yet another fundamental skill and played team games, whilst in Computing the children looked at the big question: What is IT? and after gaining some basic understanding about devices and networks, they learnt about its use to support public places such as schools, libraries and hospitals.
In Ten Ten we listened to the Gospel story when Jesus called all the children to him; reflecting on our special gifts and gaining understanding on what it means to be called.
Thank you for all of you who dropped in collections of leaves, conkers, pine cones and other treasures. We are still in need of them so if you have the means to collect more, please keep sending them into class.
I hope you have a lovely weekend,
Ms Varga
Home Learning | Due back on Wednesday, 2nd October 2024 |
Phonics/Spelling | Please practice these words, all revising learnt phonics rules:
shout, cloud, firm, girl, boy, annoy, argue, statue, flies, fried Please see the attached sheet modeling the letter formation: |
English | Please practice retelling our class story , Aliens Love Underpants, using our story map. This will support the children’s writing on Monday.
Aliens love underpants but there are no underpants in Space. They go into their fast rockets and fly to Earth so they can land in your back garden. Aliens steal underpants from the washing line and play with them. They love pants in orange, red and green. Mum comes out to get the pants back from the washing line so the aliens jump into their rockets and go back to Space. Check your pants to see if any aliens are hiding! |
Maths | Please log into your Mathletics account and complete the assigned activities all consolidating Place value within 100. |
Another weekend is upon us, so here’s a summary of Year 5’s learning this week:
Maths – We’ve been comparing and ordering numbers up to 1,000,000, sharpening our skills in understanding large numbers.
English – After completing our first Big Writes (which were fantastic!), we’ve started a new unit based on the book Everest, which tells the incredible story of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay’s successful ascent to the summit of Mount Everest.
RE – Our focus has been on what Scripture reveals about the nature of God, and then exploring monotheism through the story of Moses and the Burning Bush.
Geography – We delved into Hillary and Norgay’s Everest expedition, discussing how they discovered fossils of sea creatures at the summit, and what this tells us about the Earth’s geological history.
Science – In our practical investigation, we created parachutes of different sizes to answer the question: What effect does changing the surface area of a parachute have on the time it takes to fall?
Next Friday at 9:15 is our class assembly, so please join us if you can!
Here is this week’s home learning:
Maths | Mathletics assignments:
· Comparing & ordering numbers to 100,000 · Comparing & ordering numbers to 1,000,000 |
Reading | 5 tests on Readtheory or 20 minutes of reading per day
Spelling | Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words ending in ‘-cial’
· special · official · artificial · crucial · judicial · beneficial · facial · glacial · especially · multiracial |
SPaG | Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and take the quiz: Identify and sort nouns and adjectives |
Wishing you all a lovely weekend!
Miss Donatantonio
On Wednesday afternoon, the children were preparing to retell the story of Moses and the Burning Bush. They enjoyed listening to the story and having Deacon Sean in to share the session with us. They also learnt that the main character in this story is a man called MOSES and we produced a mind map of what we already know about him.
The children have continued to explore numbers within 100 this week and worked hard placing them on a number line. They challenged themselves to go beyond and started to count in multiples of 100. They then went on to partition numbers to 100 using the same method as we shared last week.
The children loved watching the whole of our story this week and worked well to collect alliteration and rhyming language. They have even started to plan and draft their final pieces so watch this space next week!
This week the children looked at animals without a spine. They also learnt that an animal without a spine has an exoskeleton, which is there to protect it. They labelled diagrams and were able to identify and compare which animals have a spine and which ones have an exoskeleton.
In PE this week the children were focusing on holding balances with good control and finding ways of moving out of one balance and into another.
We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,
Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
Mon, Tu & Wed Th & Fr
Reading: Expectation is to read with your child for 20 mins a day and comment in the logbook.
Spellings: Edshed activity has been set
‘Words where the digraph ‘ou’ makes an /u/ sound’
Week two ‘ou’ when it makes ‘u’ e.g. touch.
Maths: Please log on to Mathletics and then let us know if you need a user reminder.
We have set the activity ‘Numberline’ to complete.
We have started to learn the djembe drum in Year 4. This week we learnt how to play bass sounds, which are the lowest pitches on the djembe. When you play bass sounds you have to hit the centre of the drum with a heavy, flat palm. We also played tone sounds, which are medium-pitched. When you play tone sounds you use the full length of the fingers. Once we had mastered these sounds, we played we ‘We rock you’ on the djembe!
In Art we have created paint and ink patterns and made our own tessellation stencils, to make repeating patterns.
In English, we have been working hard to finish our narratives. I have been impressed with the classes creativity, editing and publishing skills.
It was lovely to see so many parents at our assembly, about St Vincent de Paul, this morning. I’m sure you’ll agree that the class read and sang beautifully.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Pringle
Home learning
Spelling – words with the prefix ‘sub-’ meaning ‘below’ or ‘divided’
Please complete the handwriting sheet provided and learn this spelling list. Spelling shed activities have been set too.
Mathletics has been set.
Reading – please read over the weekend and sign reading records.
This week in English, Year 1 began their new book focus- Alan’s Big, Scary, Teeth by Jarvis. This book is about an alligator who wears false teeth and scares the other animals, until one day, his teeth go missing!! It is a really funny, heart-warming story focussing on the theme of friendship. As well as lots of other teeth/alligator inspired activities, the children have had lots of fun playing in the Pope Paul Dentist, exploring dental impressions of teeth, retelling the story, and writing non-fiction facts about alligators,
In Maths, Year 1 have continued with their learning on place value, where they explored more/ less, and counting up and counting down from any given number. They particularly enjoyed creating their count down rockets!
In RE, the children have been thinking about biblical metaphors; here they examined everyday natural objects and compared them to God , stating why they are like him. For example, Liam said, “God is like the sunrise, because he brings light to our lives.”
As part of their continued learning on the body, the class began a unit about their five senses; this week, the children explored sight. They identified that humans use their eyes to see and were encouraged to look at their own eyes in a mirror to identify their eye colour and any similarities and differences between their eyes and the eyes of others. The class then performed a simple test to investigate sight further and repeated the investigation, each time limiting their ability to see. Year 1 then discussed whether this influenced the task’s outcome.
If you haven’t already done so, please send your child in with a note saying where your family originates from- this is to form part of a whole class display. Thank you to the families who have already done this.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 Team
In Maths the children have worked hard on learning about area and perimeter and started looking at recognising and describing the properties of 3D shapes. They spent some time this week making some 3D shapes as well.
This week we began our new English unit about the narrative ‘When the Sky Falls’. This is set in WWII and so we have needed to develop our understanding of life at this time. Year 6 have thoughtfully discussed evacuation and the Blitz, coming up with interesting insights and a multitude of questions. In History, we explored how Potters Bar was impacted by evacuation due to our location.
On Thursday, Mrs Heymoz visited the class to announce the Leadership Roles. To earn their roles, Year 6 students were assigned time to write letters explaining how they align with their passions and interests, developing their persuasive communication skills. All leaders will play a crucial role in the organisation and execution of a wide range of events that enrich the school experience for all pupils at Pope Paul, helping to promote collaboration and shared responsibilities.
As they embark on their respective journeys in their new roles, there is no doubt that their contributions will significantly impact the enjoyment and enrichment of school-life at Pope Paul.
A real highlight of the week was meeting their new reading partners today. There was great excitement and it was wonderful to see the start of these new relationships.
Please Note: Writing enrichment workshop (open to all members of the class) Mondays after school until 4.15pm
Maths Enrichment (open to all members of the class): Thursdays before school 8 – 8:30am. This enrichment will also be after school after the October half-term.
Home Learning:
Spelling Shed: rhythm, symbol, system, crystal, antonym, mystery, lyrics, oxygen, symptom, typical.
Mathletics (Angles and Area)
Have a wonderful weekend
Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines
Our first full week in Reception! You will have some very tired children this weekend. The children are learning the class routines well and beginning to remember some of their friend’s names.
This week, we have been learning to sit on the carpet and show good listening by looking at the person talking and taking turns to speak.
The children have been exploring the classroom by building with different resources, creating wonderful art pieces with paints and collage and demonstrating their cutting skills. The children have been dressing up and role-playing in the home corner.
Outside they have been exploring the playground, learning to climb safely on our equipment and learning to share the toys.
We have been talking about our families and who lives with us. We made a house with lollipop sticks and drew who we lived we.
On Friday, we learnt about how we are all different and unique and God love us all. The children had a go at writing their names and decorating them.
Each day, the children have been learning to make the sign of the cross. We use our right hand – head to heart, to left shoulder, to right shoulder. Hands together. Please practise with your child at home.
The highlight of the week was meeting our reading partners. We will add photos next week. Every Friday, the Year 6 will read to their partner.
Thank you for those who have sent in family and baptism photos. If you have not, please send them in so the children can look at them on our wall.
Next week, the children will get a phonics book. Each night, please practise saying and writing the sound. Return the book every day so we can stick in the new sound. Children should bring in a bag every day so we can put their book in. Please remember to send in a water bottle with their name on.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Carey
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