Summer 2 Week 4 w.b 24.6.24

What an exciting week Year one have had! The children have been learning to tell the time in Maths. They have been learning to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour using the minute and hour hands on the clock. They made their own clocks and have talked about their daily routines and times that they get up, have lunch, dinner etc… Please talk to your child about the days and times they have certain activities and talk about the times they take place!

In Italian, the children have been learning to name foods and how to order from an Italian  restaurant! Year one played an interactive game and had fun matching food types.

In Science, the children have continued with our topic on Plants. They decorated their own pots and are growing their own broad bean! We will be writing a class diary and children will note the changes they see happening and the stages of growth that their bean will go through.

On Thursday, we went to the Seaside. The children had a lovely day and I was very proud of how they behaved. We played in the sea, collected water samples to test, played in the sand, fished with nets, collected shells, had lunch on the beach and ended the day with an ice cream! At the end of the trip, there were lots of sleepy children on the coach! Thank you to our parent helpers for your support.

Home Learning – Due Friday

Mathletics – complete the activities set.

Spellings – practice the spellings with your child for a spelling test next Friday.

Handwriting sheet.

Reading – 5/10 minutes daily.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Friday 28th June 2024

We’ve had a lovely, if not sweaty, week in Year 3!

In English we have continued our unit based on Gregory Cool. This week we planned a sequel and worked on ensuring our speech punctuation skills are accurate. Their characterisation was impressive and I’m sure this will reflect in their final written pieces. In Maths we have now moved onto revisiting multiplication and division, solving problems involving these operations.  In Fluency we are continuing to revise our understanding of time and addition and subtraction.

In PE, Mr Mills improved their skills so they can begin to volley a ball. Their overall control is really improving as is their accuracy. Far fewer balls are finding their way into the Peace Garden and Great Slades!

Our RE learning has been looking at the idea of what it means to follow someone or something. The children identified that we can follow teams, media channels, TV shows and people. When considering how we follow Jesus, the children were able to think of ways we can do this in everyday life. They had lots of ideas around helping out at home, including helping make dinner and tidying up.

In Geography, we discovered why New Zealand have so many earthquakes. The children made poplets about tectonic places and layers of the earth to help explain.

We look forward to meeting with you next week. If you have not yet made an appointment, please do so.

I am sure that you are aware via the newsletter but congratulations to our Year 3 finalists who took part in the HfL (Hertfordshire for Learning) Maths Challenge last week.  One of the Year 3 groups got through to the final heat in which 165 schools participated.  We were informed on Monday that our group – Lucas, Noemi, Dafne, Christian and Hugo did extremely well achieving second place!  We are SO proud of them – a difficult challenge to undertake and to come in the top three above the other schools is fantastic!


Have a great weekend


Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home Learning

Spellings and SPaG on spellingshed

Mathletics and TTRs

Read and remember to bring in your reading book and reading log on your allotted day!

Friday, 28th June 2024

This week in Year 4, the children revised their arithmetic learning focusing on number and the 4 calculations, whilst in English, we centered our learning around character description and inference when looking at further chapters from our class book, Stitch Head.

In RE, the class identified characteristics and qualities of Jesus using Gospel Stories from the Bible before reflecting on their own qualities as disciples. In PE, they carried on with their unit of tennis with Mr Mills, whilst in Science they looked at habitats and made connections between diets and vertebrate groups.

In D&T, the children painted their main structures before cutting and adding any other parts to their torches. Next week, we will focus on putting our simple series circuits together.

I am looking forward to seeing you all next week for our last parent consultation sessions; please make sure to book an appointment for Tuesday or Thursday afternoon. Thursday’s meetings will be held in class due to the school being used as a polling station.

Friday, 5th July is whole school photos!

I wish you a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 2nd  July 2024
Spelling Revision words

Next week’s words: brochure, famous, tension, penniless, hideous, different, astronaut, completion, admission, mathematician

English The children have been learning about the ‘Mad Professor Erasmus’ in class, who is one of the main characters in our class book, Stitch Head.

This week, I would like the children to come up with a ‘design’ for a monster that would fit into the already large group of monsters living in Castle Grotteskew. The Professor is famous for using ‘spare’ parts and putting them together often quite ‘crudely’.

Create an A4 poster using any media to draw your monster, then add a vocabulary bank around it that you will be able to use.

Think about the structure we use in class. First choose 8-10 good nouns. Add an adjective to each of them, as a second step. Sort out the prepositional phrase to elevate them to an expanded noun phrase, telling the reader where these parts are or what is special about them. Then think about how you could add a few examples of personification, metaphor or simile.

This home learning is a plan for a later writing piece. I am not expecting paragraphs. Only a detailed picture, with bullet points of words/phrases to use in class.


Summer 2 Week 4

Our focus this week has been spiders. We read the story Aaaarrrggghhh Spider! Then the children wrote about the things the spider did to impress the family and they wrote about their own talents. They learnt facts about spiders and wrote about them. They made webs with glitter and by threading string into small holes. Outside, they crawled through spider webs, played with spiders in the water and made playdough spiders.

We have enjoyed the lovely weather this week by paddling our feet in water to cool down and playing in the sandpit.

In Maths, we have been practising number bonds to 10. We have been singing songs and playing games to help us to remember. They have used counters and ten frames, made rainbows to show the bonds and have been writing number sentences.

In Religion, we recalled the story of The Good Samaritan. Then we talked about the virtues that the church teaches us to behave. Be fair, be brave, think before we do and wait your turn. The children made posters of one of the virtues that they follow.

We missed our Year 6 reading partners this week but Year 4 and 5 have been playing with us at lunchtime! On Friday afternoon, Year 5 came to read with the us.

Have a lovely weekend.

I look forward to seeing you next week at parents evening.


Mrs Carey

Year 5 – 28/06/24

A lot has been happening this week in Year 5, including several children participating in a Flag Football Tournament. Miss Pringle reported that they played brilliantly and were a credit to the school. Well done!

On Wednesday, we had a taster day at Nicholas Breakspear School, where we attended art, English, and maths lessons. It was fantastic to see what a day at secondary school looks like and to experience moving from classroom to classroom.

Yesterday, our school hosted a group of Chinese students. The Year 5s gave them a tour of the school in the morning, and in the afternoon, they did art projects and played football or rounders with them for PE. It was a wonderful cultural exchange, and the Year 5s really enjoyed learning about our guests.

Today, in the absence of Year 6, who have been at PGL, the Year 5s got another taste of Year 6 by leading the assembly this morning, and then in Reading Partner Time this afternoon with the Receptions. They were wonderful with their partners and demonstrated great leadership skills for September.

Here is this week’s home learning:

Maths Mathletics assignments:

·         Rounding to 1 decimal place

·         Understanding percentages

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory or 20 minutes of reading per day
Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words that are homophones

·         aisle

·         isle

·         aloud

·         allowed

·         altar

·         alter

·         ascent

·         assent

·         farther

·         father

Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday!

Miss Donatantonio

Summer 2 Week 4

In English, we have continued our Great Fire of London writing. This week, we have used our senses to describe what Pudding Lane, would have looked, smelt and sounded like. Next week, we will use this writing to help us ‘interview’ each other. We have used our History, Design and Art skills to create Tudor houses from Pudding lane – I’m sure you’ll agree, they are very impressive!

In Maths we have used dienes to help us add two and three digit numbers.

Well done Ella, Lorena, Josie and Emily for planning and leading such a reflective collective worship.

I look forward to meeting with you next week.

Miss Pringle

Home learning 

Please complete the Mathletic activities set and read.

Please learn this spelling list and complete the handwriting sheet.


Thursday 27th June, 2024

Good morning and welcome to Pope Paul School.

Cultural Integration at Pope Paul School


9am 9:10am 9:30am 10 -10:30am 11:00am

Enter by the Main School Entrance

Greeted by the office staff















Taken to Year 6 classroom to leave belongings and choose lunch preference for lunch.


Lunch Options are:

Favourite Quorn Hotdog (vegetarian)

Cheesy Spring Vegetable Bake (vegetarian)

Jacket Potato (Various Toppings)

Cheese Baguette (vegetarian)














Go into Year 6 and meet with Mrs McNamara and Mrs Moccia


Tour of school by Year 5 pupils.














Geography:  Looking at National Parks across the UK

Click here


Click here for the Map to examine

Activity Sheet Click here



Break at 10:30am














William Wordsworth (poet)



Back to class to do

SATs Paper and Arithmetic

Mark Scheme

Reasoning Paper  page 22

Arithmetic  Paper   page  17

Discuss re the outcomes expected for children at 11 years of age compared to pupils from China at this age.

12:00 – 1:00pm 1:00 – 2:00pm 2-2:50pm 3:05pm 3:15pm
Lunch and mingle with students in








Art Work: Banksy: FOCUS

  1. Banksy
  2. Graffiti Activity
  3. Letter Resource

Activity: Create your own TAG.







Play rounders with Year 5 on school field.






Return to classroom, pick up belongings and Goodbye.

Photo opportunity.







School finishes



Leaving by coach  (TBC)





Summer 2 week 3 w.b 17.6.24

Finally the sun came out this week just in time for Sports Day!  The children took part in all the races and activities with great enthusiasm and it was wonderful to see so many of you come along to help cheer and support them. Thank you!


In Maths the children continued  skip counting in twos and counting objects in groups of two. Please practice this at home.

In RE the children have been learning to understand the context of the calling story in Mark’s Gospel. After discussing what happens when we go fishing and what is needed, the children went on to design their own fishing nets for our RE display. They also wrote their own rendition of the story.

In English this week the children started their new unit – Non-fiction Bats. They started by writing some facts they already know about Bats and we then did some of our own research. The children were fascinated by some of the things they discovered!

In History the children took a closer look at King Charles III, they looked at his early life, his family and some interesting facts about him.


On Friday afternoon we made the most of the beautiful weather and went in to the Peace Garden for story and a snack!

Our trip is on Thursday next week. The weather is looking very hot, please remember to apply sun cream to your child before they come to school. Send them in with a packed lunch in a throw away bag and also remember a hat and a small towel.

Home Learning – Due Friday

Mathletics – complete the activities set.

Spellings – practice the spellings with your child for a spelling test next Friday.

Reading – 5/10 minutes daily.

Enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Summer 2 Week 3

Reception Class has had a busy week! On Monday, we went to Hertfordshire Zoo. I was proud of how well they behaved. We had a fantastic day! We saw lots of different animals, we played in the play area, had lunch, listened to a talk about penguins then went on a train ride. At the end of the trip, we had lots of sleepy children on the coach.




On Tuesday, we had Sports Day. Reception were amazing at their first Sports Day. They listened to and followed instructions, supported each other and has a great time!


The children have been writing about their day at the zoo and writing facts about Penguins. Using paint, the children have made wonderful painting of the animals they saw at the zoo.

In Maths, we have been learning about positional vocabulary and using bee-bots to practise giving instructions.


In our role-play area, the children have been dressing up in school uniform that they will be wearing in Year 1.


Have a wonderful weekend.


Mrs Carey and the Early Years Team

Friday 21st June, 2024

This week has whizzed by!

As part of Other Faith Week, we focused on The Greek Orthodox faith and on Monday afternoon visited The Twelve Apostles Church in Brookman’s Park.  Fr Demetriano made us feel very welcome talking to us about the lovely church and the special icons etc that we saw there. The number of paintings, stained glass windows and icons were  magnificent.  The children gazed at them in wonder and awe.  The children learnt that the area where the priest celebrates the majority of the services lies beyond the icon screen (or Iconostasis) and is the Sanctuary. This is where the Altar Table is situated, as well as the Table of Oblation, where the Holy Gifts are prepared before their Liturgy begins.

This morning after assembly, Fr Demetriano visited our school to talk to us about the similarities and differences between our faiths.

On Tuesday we celebrated Sports Day in the afternoon.  Alongside the fabulous weather the children took part with enthusiasm and were full of energy and fun. A huge thank you to all of the staff who helped ensure that the afternoon ran as smoothly as possible and a special shout out to Miss Pringle who organised a very successful Sports Day.



The children are doing their Plants Topic in Science for the remainder of the term and have started to grow sunflowers.  Please encourage your child to keep a record of the height of their sunflower each week and I would like them to bring their sunflowers back into school on Monday 8th July to see how they are growing and to compare results with the rest of the class!  They will of course be returned to your homes to be cared for and replanted in your own gardens.  In Maths, we are moving onto a new area of learning.  The children have worked hard on their understanding of time over the last few weeks -please use as many opportunities for them to practise what they understand about this area of learning. They have been working hard to tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and the 12 hour and 24 – hour clocks. We also revisited our work on digital devices this afternoon and as part of the work we chatted about cyber attacks and about when criminals try to steal our online information without our permission.  They were introduced to a website that introduces them to a password checker tool.  T`he children asked if I could post the link we used to check to see what makes a secure password. The link is here.




Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the sunshine!


Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines

Home Learning:



Spelling Shed

Keep a record f the height of your sunflower for the next few weeks.  (Please return your sunflower to school on Monday 8th  July)