Year 5 – 27/01/23

Home learning for this week:

Maths Mathletics assignments:

·         Multi-step addition and subtraction problems

·         Multiply by 10, 100 and 1,000

SPaG Please complete the assignment set on

·         Direct speech punctuation (A)

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory OR a daily updating of your reading record.
Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words spelled with ‘ie’ after ‘c’












Friday 27th January 2023

Another busy week has flown by in Year 6. In English we have discovered more creatures from Artur Spiderwick’s Field Guide, and today we read about changelings. These faeries take human children and replace them with their own young. After hearing about their qualities, we began to suspect each other of being changelings and wrote letters to Mrs Heymoz with our evidence. In maths, we consolidated our knowledge of percentages.

In Art, Year 6 have been looking a line drawings and building the skill of creating a quick sketch with out rubbing out. The outcomes were really impressive.

On Wednesday, we were invited to Nicholas Breakspear to watch their performance of the Addams Family. The show was fantastic and we were treated to juice and biscuits during the interval. Who knows, maybe we’ll be seeing some of Year 6 in this show if they attend NBS next year.

Have a restful weekend

Mrs Lines

Home Learning complete the activity set

Read for 20 minutes daily

Spellingshed- weekly spelling practice.

Mathletics- complete the activity set


For Monday: Can children bring in a photograph of themselves and their parents? This can be an image all together or separately. Photographs will be photocopied so they can be suck in books and sent home. We will use this for our science lesson about evolution and inheritance.


Spring 2 Week 3

Year 3 have had a busy week of learning. In English, the children planned and wrote an alternative version to the story The Finger Eater. Their writing showed their enjoyment of the story as they were able to use words and phrases that the author had used. This term, we have focused on using adverbs and subordinating conjunctions, which they used correctly in their writing to engage the reader.

In Maths, we have been learning to add with column addition with no regrouping and with regrouping. They children have demonstrated their understanding using resources and recording using the written method.

In Art the children painted the sea and the sky, ready to add some stitching to it.

In Religion, the children retold the story of the Epiphany as one of the characters. They have also been explaining the meaning of this feast.

In PE, the children practised and performed their sequences to the class and then transferred their skills on the apparatus.

Home Learning

Timestables Please practise your timetables on Timestable Rockstars
SPAG Complete the activity on
Mathletics Complete the activities.

calmly, exactly, deadly, bravely, boldly, gladly, deeply, clearly, hourly, quickly


Complete activities on spelling shed. Write the spellings and sentences in their handwriting books.



Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Friday, 27th January 2023

The children in Year 4, completed activities to develop sentence structure in English, before planning for their extended piece retelling a familiar story from another character’s point of view. In Math, the class focused on converting units of measurements (length, mass and capacity) developing their understanding of when to multiply and divide. In Science, they started their new unit, ‘States of Matter’, grouping and classifying materials according to being liquids, gases or solids. In Pe, they extended their Roman themed motif to a way of travelling across space and composed a 16 count long routine in groups. In Computing, the children role played computer networks, taking up the roles of computers, switches and routers to gain a deeper understanding of the internet as a network of networks. In Art, the class looked at different still-life artists from different periods to compare their style, colour scheme and technique before attempting their own versions following one of the artists. In Re, the children looked at the Beatitudes using Matthew’s Gospel and ‘translated’ them to modern language in order to make them more meaningful to their age group.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

(I apologies for the lack of photos this week, I am dealing with a technical issue at the moment, but they should appear as normal, next week)

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning

Words ending in -ious, -eous


or alternatively, download the attached documents:

The Parnsnips- questions

The Parnsnips-text




Study Ladder

Please complete the activities in the assigned pod, all based on conversions of mass and capacity. Please do not worry that they are labelled as Y6 material; we cover them in Y4.


Spring Term Week 3 w.b. 23rd January 2023

In Religion this week Year 1 have been learning about where we and our family all come from. They learnt that on the Feast of the Epiphany, all nations are invited to know God. Year 1 looked at all the different nation flags from our class. We then looked at all the countries that have stars in their flags and reflected on what we can do to shine bright and build a better world. We then decorated a flag from our country for display.

The children were very enthusiastic about our new English text, ‘Where’s my Teddy?’ this week. They worked hard to gather adjectives to describe the characters and worked well to sequence the story into a story map which will help them write their story next week. Story ready by the author:


In Science Year 1 have been using their knowledge to identify and describe different fish, vertebrates, invertebrates and mammals. They worked very hard and next week they will be using their knowledge to classify and group the animals including naming herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.

Some sites to explore relating to science learning:


In Maths Year 1 have continued to work hard in understanding tens and ones to make two-digit numbers and have begun to add them together noticing what happens to the tens and ones. They have also been revising their double knowledge and used lots of resources to represent doubles. Next week they will be identifying odd and even numbers and representing them in different ways. Mathletics has been set to support these skills.


Phonic sounds taught this week available on Spelling Shed:

are, (care) au, (haunt) ear/air (bear,hair)

Children had a Phase 2 and 3 Tricky word assessment as part of our on-going records and these have been sent home for you to support in securing, please see my previous spelling handouts from before Christmas for games and ways to support spelling.

Phase 2- a I go no the to into

Phase 3-we me be he she they are my all was you

We are currently learning phase 5 tricky words so please keep revising these too. oh people I’m asked Mr Mrs could their looked by don’t called old


I look forward to seeing you at Year 1’s assembly at 9:15am on Friday 3rd February and parent consultations the following week.

Enjoy the weekend,

Miss Lambie

  • Please may children have their reading books in their bags every day.
  • Thank you for all the tissues!!! They will keep us going for a while now!

Spring 1 Week 3

We have had a busy week of learning in Year 2. In English, we have read a written letters of complaint to other classes from various objects in their classroom.

In Maths, we have been interpreting bar charts, pictograms, tally charts and also adding with regrouping. The children have demonstrated their understanding using resources and recording using the necessary written methods.

In PE, we have been using our gymnastics skills on the large apparatus and putting our dance skills to the test, with GoNoddle!

It was lovely to see so many of you at our class assembly on Thursday – I’m sure you’ll agree that the children read beautifully.

Home Learning

Timestables Please log onto timestable rockstars and practise the 2, 5 and 10 timetables.
Reading Please read to an adult and sign your reading record.
Science Our new topic is living things and their habitats. Please make an A4 poster about habitats. You might like to use this PowerPoint to help you.



biggest, fastest, fittest, widest, easiest, busiest, funniest, tiniest.


Practise the spellings and write them into your handwriting books.



Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Pringle

Reception Week Beginning 23.1.23

Another busy week has flown by in Reception!

The book focus this week was the story of The Three Little Pigs.

The class had lots of fun thinking of different ways to trap the wolf, to make sure that he never bothers anyone again. Ideas ranged from putting him in a rocket and sending him into space, to putting a ring of fire around his house, so that he wouldn’t be able to leave!

Amongst other things, the children built their own strong houses for the pigs to live in safely, they role played the traditional tale and used puppets to retell the story in their own words.

In maths lessons this week, Reception have been exploring and comparing different measures and extending their mathematical language. For example, when learning about capacity, they learnt and applied new vocabulary such as: full, nearly full, empty, nearly empty. The class also had fun practically learning about mass and height.

In the Ten Ten session this week, the class learnt and applied names to different family relationships, and discussed ‘special people’ who they can trust. They also participated in a whole class activity, where together they sorted people in their everyday lives into ‘family’, ‘friend’ and ‘other people I know’ categories.

Dinosaur Egg News!!!

On Wednesday, the class received the dreadful news that the dinosaur egg that they were looking after for Professor Needham at The Natural History Museum, was unbelievably STOLEN!!!!

Luckily, Harvey had seen the thief carrying the egg, from his bedroom window the night before, and he was able to give a brilliant description of him; the police said that the information was extremely helpful! From this, the class were able to make detailed wanted posters and police reports. Some of the children also took fingerprints from anyone entering Reception,( to eliminate them as suspects) and they used their investigative skills to look for clues. The thief is still at large… hopefully the class will have some good news to share next week.

If the weather is kind to us next week, we are hoping to go for a walk on the farmland next to the school on Wednesday. If your child does not yet have wellies in school, please send some in with your child before then. Thank you.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team


Year 5 – 20/01/23

This week has been Other Faith Week, and Y5 have been learning about Sikhism. We found out about the 5 Ks in Sikhism, and researched the most important place of pilgrimage for Sikhs: Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple). Ask your child what the 5 Ks are and why Sikhs go on pilgrimage to Harmandir Sahib!

In Science, we carried out investigations to look at the effect of surface area on air resistance. We discussed the importance of repeated measurements to ensure more reliable results.

Home learning for this week:

Maths Mathletics assignments:

·        Multiply: Grid method

·        Multiply: 1-Digit Number Regroup

SPaG The children have been given logins for

Please complete the assignment set:

·        Subordinate clauses & conjunctions (B)

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory OR a daily updating of your reading record.
Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words with silent letters












Reception Class Week Beginning 16.1.23

Despite the temperature being so cold this week, the children have enjoyed playing in the outside area, where earlier on in the week, they went on an ice hunt, explored the properties and beauty of ice under the magnifying glass and experimented with ways to dissolve it.

As part of the whole school Other Faith Week, Reception class learnt about the Jewish religion and in particular the Shabbat. The Shabbat is the Jewish Day of Rest. It happens each week from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. During Shabbat, Jewish people remember the story of creation from the Torah where God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day.

The children also learnt about how Jewish people go on a pilgrimage to The Western Wall in Jerusalem and how, when they get there, they write special messages to God and insert them into this special wall. Inspired by this new learning, the children wrote their own messages to God and built Western Walls from a variety of construction.

The class have built on their maths learning from last week, by finding different ways of grouping 5 into three groups and recording their learning. They were also challenged to work out missing quantities, when part of five was hidden.

In English, Reception’s learning was derived from the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children had fun hot seating the characters from the story and learning The Three Bears Rap. They also made ‘wanted’ posters, character masks, puppets,  furniture for the bears and even wrote apology letters on behalf of Goldilocks.

On Monday, the class received a letter from the Natural History Museum asking the children to look after a precious dinosaur egg. The adults in Reception were dubious and a bit worried, as the last time they looked after an egg, it cracked, the dinosaur inside escaped and this triggered a country wide hunt for it!!!

The children persuaded the adults that it would be fine and that they could take care of it. They wrote back to the museum accepting their request and on Wednesday, it was delivered!


Reception class were so excited!

The children quickly went about writing signs telling people not to touch the egg. They also designed and built display cabinets to keep it protected, as it is so fragile.

The children have also been inspired to make their own dinosaur worlds and have been using the small world dinosaurs to make up stories in them.

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team

Spring 1 Week 2

This week we have learnt about Buddhism. We have thought about what makes us happy and compared the similarities and differences between Buddhism and Catholicism.

In Science our new topic is Living things and their habitats. We have investigated and sorted different things into groups titled; living, dead and never alive. Next week we will be looking closely at different habitats.

In English we have written persuasive letters but next week we will be writing letters of complaint.

In Maths we have been interpreting pictograms.

Home learning

Your child has taken home their lines for assembly next week  – please help them learn them over the weekend.