Friday 30th September, 2022

Today the children led the Friday assembly well – they spoke with confidence, played their guitars like professionals and showed their understanding of the rosary for the rest of the school to learn about. A special well done to the singers Gabriela, Elle, Violet, Ela-Maria and Caroline who created their own verses for our Rosary song which they sang today.  Well done!




Also in assembly the children received their badges for their leadership roles.  They were really proud to receive these.  Just encourage your child to make sure that they are removed from their uniform at laundry time!!

This week in English the children have explored the animation ‘The Piano’. They considered the symbolism in the short clip and wrote descriptions of the old man.

In Maths, our work on multiplying numbers  up to 3 decimal places by 10/100/1000 has continued and the children have been given plenty of problem solving tasks to apply their understanding to contextual questions.  In RE we have been studying the Bible further and learning about St Vincent de Paul as it was his feast day on Tuesday, making links to the bible to describe how the values of St Vincent of compassion, humility and generosity are encouraged and shown in the Bible.

Congratulations to Finn and Charlie, St Vincent’s House Captains, who led the whole school assembly on Tuesday using a very informative power point and finishing with a quiz which the children enjoyed. In the afternoon, the members of St Vincent’s House had an extra playtime alongside a treat that had been provided for by Finn and Charlie.

On Wednesday morning a large group of Year 6 boys took part in a football tournament at Wroxham Primary School and are now through to the quarter finals!  The boys returned to school happy with their result!

Kian and Vihaan shared the teams result at assembly today.  Albion was given Man of the Match.



The Class met their reading buddies this afternoon and as promised here are some photos from last week.  Do also look at the reception blog to see the photos taken also.


Have a good weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines

Home Learning for this week:

On Thursday, we are hoping to take the class on a local area trip as part of our History Topic: Potters Bar at War.  This is weather permitting so may be cancelled at short notice.  Your child will need a packed lunch on this day.

  • Mathletics
  • TTRs (Timestable Rockstars)
  • Spelling: cial/tial focus this week
  • financial, financially, commercial, provincial, initial, initially, controversial, controversially,  spacial, palatial.

Week 4 w/b 26.09.22

Thank you to Year 6 who led us in a wonderful assembly today explaining The Rosary to us all. Year 1 will be praying the decades next week and throughout the month of October.

In Religion Year 1 have been exploring their topic ‘In the Beginning’ further by learning about the creation stories from Genesis. They worked hard to represent what they understood from the stories.

We have nearly finished our maths topic about represent numbers and will be moving on to addition and subtraction within ten. Please find a Mathletics account login in the reading folder. You can use this to access any Mathletics games and the one that have been set by me.

Apparently I set ‘ng’ on Spelling Shed for the whole school last week! Well done to those Year 1 children who completed the games and the rest of the school! I have tried again today and I think I have managed to set ‘ear’ for Phase 3 revision for just Year 1 this time! I have also snuck a Phase 4 sheet and spelling strategies in their reading folders for additional support.

We have started to change reading books so please continue to have reading folders in daily. Please comment in the reading record every time you read with your child as this supports our decision in changing books.

Enjoy your weekend and I will see you all on Monday,

Miss Lambie

Year 5 – 30/09/22

We have done lots of art this week; this afternoon, the children represented the first Creation story through art, whilst yesterday they practised different kinds of mark making.

Also this week:

  • In English, we started our new unit about being world explorers and surviving in extreme places on earth. This will lead to writing an explanation text later in the half term.
  • In Maths, we have been learning how to round to numbers within 1,000,000.
  • In Science, we were plotting graphs to look at whether there’s a correlation between the mass of an animal and its gestation period.
  • In RE, we learnt about the work of St Vincent de Paul and answered the Big Question ‘How can you be a friend to a God you can see if you’re not a friend to those you can see’.
  • In Geography, they learnt about the physical and human geography of Hiemaey in Iceland, and learnt what an archipelago is.

Please note that for the next two weeks on Monday, the children will be learning about puberty and how girls’ and boys’ bodies change. If you wish to explore the lesson resources more fully, please see TenTen’s Parent Portal, including suggested home activities to support learning:

Your home learning for this week is as follows:

Maths Mathletics assignments:

·         Round to nearest 10, 100 and 1,000

·         Round numbers within 100,000

·         Round numbers to one million

English In our English lessons, we are working towards writing an explanation booklet about surviving in an extreme location. In preparation for this, please choose an extreme location and research the following:

·         Where is it?

·         What is the terrain like?

·         What challenges might you face there?

·         How might these challenges be overcome?

Please bring in your research on Monday.

Spelling Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words ending in ‘-cial’












Have a great weekend!

Miss D

Reception Week Beginning 26.9.22

It was lovely to see so many of you at the parent phonics meeting yesterday; thank you for your support, we hope you found it useful.

Today, in your child’s book bag, you will find two reading books and the parent comment book. On the inside cover, you will find information regarding your child’s reading day. Remember, their books need to be returned on this same day every week. Please note, we haven’t sent home a class library book this week; this will start next week. Thank you!

This week, Reception have been thinking about when they were babies and growing up. On Wednesday, we had some very special visitors- Conor’s mum and his baby brother! The class loved listening to how Conor and his parents take care of him.

The children also had fun planning a birthday party held in the new home corner! They made birthday cards, banners and bunting and even designed their own birthday cakes and planned the birthday food!

The class have got off to a great start in their phonics learning. There are no new sheets on a Friday, as we always do our consolidation lesson on this day. Thank you again for supporting your child with their learning. It makes a huge difference to their reading and writing outcomes.

Thank you to everyone for returning your data collection form. Below you will find some of the photos from the past couple of weeks!

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team

Friday, 30th September 2022

In English, this week, the children started their second unit, a Roman myth. They used a picture book to get into character and introduce themselves in the role of their chosen Roman God or Goddess, thinking about voice, intonation, actions and gestures. They used their understanding later, when writing school reports about their characters.

In Maths, the class spent time consolidating rounding whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand using rounding mountains and numberlines, identifying key benchmark numbers.

In PE, we further developed our passing and catching skills as well as understanding key roles such as defender and attacker in small games.

In Science, ther children used zip lock bags to model the stomach and observed its function first hand. They later also spent time reconstructing the human digestive system with focus on specific organs and their function.

In Art, we carried on in our unit of pattern making and developed rules to create pencil drawings, focusing on lines and the effect they make on the viewer.

In RE, we recapped our earlier learning of the life of St Vincent de Paul before linking his values with things we can do in our own lives to follow his teachings.

Our focus country during One World Week, will be the Philippines in Year 4.  Please, if you have photos, relevant books, recipes, clothing, music or artefacts that could support our learning, could you let me know and I will arrange a date when the children could bring these in. Thank you for your support with this.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Due by Tuesday, 4th October 2022
Spelling Please log on to your EdShed account and practice this week’s words, the prefix sub-.


Reading Please log onto Read Theory and complete 2 activities or alternatively open the attached text and accompanying questions and complete them.

The Giant Panda Bear- questions

The Giant Panda Bear-text


Please update your reading logs and be prepared to present them on Wednesday.

Multiplication Please log onto your TTRockstars account  and spend 15 minutes practicing the assigned tables.

Study Ladder Please log onto your Study Ladder account and complete your assignments, all based on rounding. Please note that although some activities are labelled as Year 5, the content covered is relevant to Year 4.

Autumn Week 4

This week the children planned and wrote the beginning of their own fables. They applied their learning on direct speech, adverbs of time and prepositions to write wonderful fables. They will finish them, edit and publish in their best handwriting next week.

In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting 10 to different numbers and identifying the digit that changes. The children have used dienes and pictures to demonstrate their understanding.

Thank you for the wonderful models of arms to support children with their writing about muscles. The children were proud to show their models to the class and explained how they made them.

In Art the children have been learning about two artists who use charcoal to make pictures. The children then used charcoal to make their own artwork.

In Computing, the children have been learning about animations, they have enjoyed looking at and making their own animations. In Geography they have continued their learning on climates in different countries.

Home Learning

Spelling Spelling shed

Spellings – creature, furniture, picture, nature, adventure, capture, future, sculpture, fracture, mixture

Read theory Complete 2 activities
Mathletics Please complete the activities set
Timetables rockstars Please practise 2, 5 and 10 timetables. If the children are confident with these practise the 3 timetables.


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey

Autumn 1 Week 4

We have sequenced, planned  and written the beginning of our own Rapunzel stories, where we have used speech, adjectives and conjunctions. Next week we will finish, edit and publish these stories.

In Maths, we have continued learning about partitioning but have also begun to find equivalent calculations – we will continue with this next week.

In Geography we have identified different geographical features of Antarctica, while in RE we have learnt about St Vincent de Paul.

We also enjoyed scootability this week, where we learnt the skills and knowledge to ride safely.

Home learning.


Please read over the weekend and sign your reading record.

Art project 

Please research the artist Andy Goldsworthy and create your own outdoor art inspired by him this weekend. Think about what your can find in your local environment to use. Please bring in a few items you have found that you would like to add to a group project next Wednesday.


Please use the free app – hit the button to revise number bonds to 10 and 20 and well as the 2, 5 and 10 timetables.


Year 6 St Vincent de Paul

Week 3 w/b 19.09.2022

Week 3 w/b 19.09.2022

Year 1 behaved so well in our Welcome Mass this morning. They were respectful, responded well to the prayers and their singing was beautiful. I was very proud teacher again!

I have been learning how to use our new spelling resource ‘spelling shed’ and I think I have managed to set two activities on ‘ng’ sound to complete at home. The password and website have been stapled to your phonic sheet and placed in the reading folder. The Mathletics accounts are being created so we should be able to use them next week. Maths home learning this week is in the reading folder with instructions.

Please may all children have their reading book in their bag every day as I would like to change their books next week. Reading records have been ordered and should arrive next week so sorry about the post-its for now!

Enjoy your weekend and I will see you all on Monday,

Miss Lambie


Friday 23rd September

This week, although a shorter one, has been a busy one!

In Maths the children have continued with their work on place value and we have been looking at negative numbers and rounding.  The children have been working hard to explain how they round to the nearest 10/100/1000/10,000/100,000  etc.

In RE we have been looking at the bible and finding out lots of interesting facts about it.  As it is our class assembly next week, the children have been preparing for their parts.  The assembly is about The Rosary and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible next Friday when they present it to the rest of the school.

In English, the focus has been on completing their letters of application for their leadership roles.  Mrs Heymoz read through their pieces and also listened to their audios.  Yesterday she visited the class and informed them of the roles that they are leading this year.  These leadership roles are taken very seriously and it is an expectation that Year 6 students present excellent role models to all children in the school community.  Year 6  children thrive on being responsible, trustworthy and dedicated individuals.  They love to take on responsibilities and lead by example.   Many of these roles involve children giving up a little of their own time, usually during playtimes, and this is something which they love to do as they relish supporting and enthusing others socially and academically. We thank them for embracing such a wonderful role and look forward to seeing them grow in their confidence by leading by example.

This morning, we celebrated our school mass for the start of this academic year.  Thank you to Tymon (powerpoint), Eric (altar server), Johanna (Reading) and Alfie (Bidding Prayers) for helping with the mass and to the liturgy group who assisted me with the altar and tidying away afterwards.

This afternoon, the children met their reading partners!  The Reception classroom and outside area was a buzz of excitement.  The children presented them with a special card and spent time with them.  Photographs  of the afternoon will be posted once we receive photographic consent from all reception parents.


Home Learning has been set:

  1.  Spellings for this week: atrocious, conscious, delicious, ferocious, gracious, luscious, malicious, precious, spacious, suspicious. Games for this are on spelling shed.
  2. Logins for this remain the same as last year.
  3. Timestables Rockstars (please log on to see the tables that have been set)
  4. Mathsletics (based on rounding)

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines.